Stef Horner: Vagrant

The Problem

Projects have different dependancies:

  • PHP, ruby, node, etc.
  • apache config, ssh, etc.
  • config
  • OS versions

OSX, Ubuntu and CentOS all use different versions of apache

The Solution

Server Provisioning

Server Provisioning

Makes sure that a server meets certain requirements

Allows you to use an identical server for development


  • You take a base OS, or "box"
  • You install required software
  • You setup some configuration

Word of the day: idempotence

An action that can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application

  • Modulus - |x|
  • Loading a gun

Don't install things
Ensure that things are installed

vagrant up

  • Takes the specified box
  • Provisions it
  • Boots it up

vagrant ssh

SSHes into the vagrant box as the default user: vagrant
Handles authentication

Single command mode:
vagrant ssh -c "ls /" ssh vagrant@ "ls /"
Will run a command as the default user, then exit

Folder Sync

The project folder will be synced to the
folder on the box

It will be pseudo-chowned to

Have a Break

vagrant halt
Gracefully shuts down the box

vagrant destroy
Shuts down the box, and destroys the image

vagrant suspend
Stores the current state of the box

The Vagrantfile

The config file for vagrant
Uses ruby syntax

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "ubuntu_10_04"
config.vm.box_url = ""
# more config goes here


  • Manual
  • Shell
  • Chef
  • Puppet
  • Ansible
  • Docker
  • Salt

Manual Provisioning

The most basic way of provisioning is to do it by hand

  • Slow
  • Boring
  • Error Prone
  • Not all of it gets done
  • Has to be done every time

Shell Provisioning

Add the following to the Vagrantfile
config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "echo woop woop woop"
config.vm.provision :shell, :path => ""

This script gets run whenever the box gets provisioned

Puppet / Chef

  • Puppet: more expressive markup, made specifically for provisioning. Simpler.
  • Chef: uses ruby, and can therefore use programming constructs

Chef sticks to the chef analogy for everything

Beyond that, the main difference is their communities


By Stef Horner


An intro to vagrant

  • 517