NSWI170 Computer Systems

4th practicals


  1. Arduino buttons review
  2. Introduction to C++ classes and structs
  3. Example classes and how to use them
  4. Working with display
  5. Code quality: Inappropriate usage of global variables
  6. New assignment: Arduino 7-seg display

Do not forget...

constexpr int modulo = 1 << ledsCount;

ReCodEx limitations


class Button {
  int pin;

  // Constructor
  Button(int _pin) {
    pin = _pin;
  bool isDown() {
  	return !digitalRead(pin);

// Create the instance with name "button" and call the constructor
Button button(button1_pin);

// Use it
if (button.isDown()) {


Restrict use of global variables


Assignment 4

How much would you need to change your code?

  • The counter still exists, but the range is different.
    change in range
  • There is a third button that controls another variable.
    create, register, implement handling
  • Instead of using LEDs, use 8 segment display.
    replace one function with another

NSWI170 - 4th practicals

By Štěpán Stenchlák

NSWI170 - 4th practicals

  • 165