The Beer Store
Ally Foster, Chelsey Panke, Stephanie Le Saulnier
-Store interiors are basic, bland, and uninviting (Example to the left)
-Closest thing to décor is the promotional signage and beer displays
-Seems like they are trying to go for a rustic theme but are missing the mark
The Beer Store is so focused on displaying the themes and personalities of the brands they carry, that they seem to be lacking a personality of their own.
At First Glance
Target Audience
Primary Target:
-19-55 year-old men
Secondary Target:
-25-45 year-old women
-sports fans
-into outdoors
-music fanatics
-interest in buying and supporting local
Products + Competitors
The Beer Store is currently one of two major retail chains that is licensed to sell alcohol in Ontario. They offer a variety of mainstream products, and they’ve also recently started selling craft beer (local).
The LCBO (greatest competitor)
-Sells a variety of liquor, whereas The Beer Store sells beer-based products only
-They will soon start selling 12-packs of beer, which is a significant threat to The Beer Store
-The LCBO also has a food and drink magazine that is released four times per year
-Portray their brand as classy and upscale
-Have a stronger brand image
Ontario Supermarkets
-A new law has been passed— 450 of Ontario’s supermarkets will start selling liquor in the near future
-This is a big threat to The Beer Store, as customers can use this as a one-stop-shop opportunity while doing their groceries
Attempt at Rebranding
There are many case studies available online for The Beer Store explaining their attempt at rebranding that took place in the last couple years. Though they've definitely made progress, they're not quite there yet and are lacking a strong brand image. Above is an example of their old logo (left) beside their new logo.
Brand Story
He is hard-working, down to earth, and feels most at home outdoors. He is reliable, steady, and always there for you when you need a strong shoulder. Although he is comfortably predictable, he still has surprises up his sleeve. He’s good at delayed gratification, but isn’t afraid to treat himself. He’s approachable and encourages you to step outside of your comfort zone. He looks just as good dressed up in a suit as he does in his favourite pair of patched jeans. He heads to the local farmer’s market on a Saturday morning and to a five-star restaurant that night. He’s a diehard sports fan who leaves his schedule open every Sunday night to watch the football game. He’s your crisp, classic, blue-collared neighbour. He’s everyone’s type of guy.
Brand Identity Framework
Character: |
-Ruthless, Assertive, Competitive
-Cultural, Outdoorsy, Simple
-Flexible, Multifaceted, Diverse
-Trustworthy, Loyal, Steadfast
-Spirited, Powerful, Vigorous
Vision: Positioning: Promise: |
The Beer Store will be Ontarian's first choice when seeking out the rustic comforts, ever-changing flavours, and undeniably Canadian spirit of beers, ciders and craft brews.
For sippers of any sort — from the Craft Connoisseur to the Ball Game Budweiser Buddies — The Beer Store is Ontario’s specialized centre that offers an unbeatable variety of brew-based goods paired with unsurpassed product knowledge and passion.
The all-inclusive hub for all things beer, we celebrate its versatile place on a dock or a 5-star dining table together, as Ontarians.
Brand Loyalty Continuum
Brand Awareness
- Create a quarterly magazine with glossy coloured pages and beautiful photography, that will showcase new trends in beers, ciders and railers. The magazine will profile craft brewers from Ontario and beyond, will suggest food and drink pairings while providing recipes, and will provide holiday-themed beer recommendations.
- Also, upgrade the store interiors to create a better and more cohesive rustic, Canadian feel. For example: lots of wood, pictures of Canadian scenes with beers in them, photos of beers paired with traditional foods...
Brand Loyalty Continuum
Brand Acceptance
Suggest and host public events. For example:
- Pop up pairing events, where foods like cheese, crackers, and other horderves are showcased with craft beers
- Monthly in-store beer and food tasting programs
- Set up bars in major store locations during Oktoberfest with tastings from local brewers
Brand Loyalty Continuum
Brand Preference
- Create a rewards program for consumers, giving them incentive to pick The Beer Store over other competitors
Brand Loyalty Continuum
Brand Insistence:
Connect with consumers on an emotional level through a multitude of platforms. For example:
-Create an advertising campaign about how beer brings people together that is engaging, personal, and that incorporates relevant compelling truths.
-Contests for those who shop in-store to win either a brewer tour trip or a Canadian vacation for them and
10 friends, to a rustic getaway cottage stocked with sponsored beer
The Beer Store
By Stephanie Le Saulnier
The Beer Store
- 679