Integrating a blog into your framework application using trickery, Varnish & ESI

Steve Lacey

Software Developer at Simpleweb

Django, Rails, Symfony, T/BDD,
WordPress, Zend

So, what's the problem?


Loss of auth state

What are the options?

  • Separate build – "just make it look the similar"
  • Shared header and footer templates
  • Build an API and integrate with it
  • Write your own blogging engine 

...or just integrate WordPress into your app

And why is that hard?

So how do we achieve that?

Varnish in your LAMP stack


  • Varnish is an HTTP accelerator 
  • Support for Edge Side Includes including
    stitching together compressed ESI fragments

  • Gzip Compression and Decompression
  • DNS, Random, Hashing and Client IP based Directors
  • HTTP Streaming Pass & Fetch
  • Saint and Grace mode


Primarily, freaking easy HTTP-based caching

Simply return normal caching headers from your app:
  • Expires, Cache-Control, Etag, Last-Modified
  • Age, Vary, If-Modified-Since, If-None-Match

Varnish obeys them, and caches responses in virtual memory

Varnish is good at handling backends (your app(s)) disappearing
Varnish is also good at helping your backends not disappear

AND you can leverage Varnish to do your evil bidding

Thanks for listening!


So what does that look like?

Thanks for listening!


Integrating a blog into your framework application using trickery, Varnish & ESI

By Steve Lacey

Integrating a blog into your framework application using trickery, Varnish & ESI

A whistlestop tour of how to hack websites in other websites

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