General Info:
The name of this ecosystem is the Tropical Savanna. It is receiving more seasonal rainfall then desserts but less than tropical dry forests. The savannas are spotted with isolated trees and small groves of trees and shrubs. Compact soils, fairly frequent fires, and the action of large animals prevent some savanna areas from turning into a dry forest. The tropical savanna is home to the endangered Golden-Cheeked Warbler.
3 abiotic factors are:
Warm temperature
Frequent fires set by lightning
Seasonal rainfall
3 biotic factors are:
Vegetation that is dominated by different types of grass
The animals tend to be bigger than in the jungle
Some thorny trees known as acacias
Temperature and rainfall
Average temperature: about 63℉ during the wet season
Average rainfall: about 59 inches rainfall
5 Producers
River Bushwillow
Jackalberry Tree
Kangaroo Paws
Bermuda Grass
Jarrah Tree
Lions (duh)
Black Bears
Human interaction
Humans cause desertification, where they raise cattle and the cattle eat the grass causing it to wear away and stop the grass from growing.
Sometimes humans cause fires which can burn down homes of organism or open seeds for the grass
interesting facts
It is not suitable for farming
If one animal was removed from the savanna the entire ecosystem would be altered
It is mostly made up of grass but there are some trees
During the dry season some animals go so long without water they barely make it to the wet season
food cycle
golden-cheeked warbler behavior
The warbler will only nest in Texas primarily in Juniper trees. Male warblers win the attention of female warblers through their “chip” sounds which they also make as a warning call. Female warblers are more shy and go more unnoticed compared to the always-singing males. The male warblers are found either singing or searching for food. The females take the responsibility of nest building as well as keeping the eggs incubated.
Golden-cheeked warbler characteristics
Warblers eat insects and spiders found on the leaves and bark of oaks. If a golden-cheeked warbler lives in the wild they have an average lifespan of 48 months. A golden-cheeked warbler will only lay its eggs in the tropical savanna of Texas.
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By steven_lf
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