Deployment @ Gibe

Independently testable Git branches

The basics

QA Server

  • Wildcard DNS pointing at QA server (*
  • Run a process on the server that cleans up old IIS sites (you'll see why later)

Repository conventions

  • GitFlow without develop, all our branches must follow this convention:

    • master
    • release/1.0.0
    • feature/AB-1234-some-description
    • hotfix/AB-1234-some-description
  • Every repo has a version.txt containing the current version number
  • Don't include umbraco/umbraco_client/uSync in proj
  • Create a nuspec file for each project


Setup 2 parameters in each project:

channel and jiraticket

First step figures out version number, jira ticket number and channel from repo/version.txt

Run regular build steps

Final step create octopus package


By Steve Temple


  • 761