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Permitted for personnel with SIGMA clearance or higher 

Fig. 1

Initial Dig Site

Fig. 2

Artifact coverstone and cartouche

Target Gate: P3X-494

Location: Cheyenne Mountain Base

Date: 13/09/1995

Fig. 4

Interstellar Stable Einstein-Rosen Bridge Device



Fig. 3


Fig. 5

Wormhole Connection, "Whoosh"

  • Upon connection, excess energy is released
  • Microscopic wormhole is formed and maintained
  • The event horizon, or "puddle" deconstructs matter into energy
  • Connection is one-way
  • Max operational time of 38 minutes.


  • Quartzite-like alien material

  • Element Z140 (Unquadnilium)

  • Can be used to form an alloy with Trinium (element Z120)

  • 7x as dense as lead, 4x as dense as gold

  • Room temperature superconductor and supercapacitor

Fig. 7

Fig. 6

Raw Naquadah Ore

Refined Naquadah Ignots

Confirms Glenn T. Seaborg's "Island of Stability" for theoretical transuranium elements

Fig. 8

Measured (boxed) and predicted (shaded) half-lives of nuclides, sorted by number of protons and neutrons. The expected location of the island of stability is circled.

DHD (Dial Home Device)


Thank You


By Scott Tolksdorf


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