Coding in the Lab

who am i

Been coding for 15 years, professionally for 10

Computational Math at UW

Web Lead at Thalmic Labs

Likes to build neat things

What are we covering

Intro - What is coding? What are languages?

Tools and Tips

Project 1: Automating your computer with Autohotkey

Fundamentals of Programming - Functions,  variables, data structures oh my!

Project 2: Crunching data with Python

Project 3: Loving APIs with Javascript

What this is

Good intro to coding

Take home some sample projects

Get exposed to how programming can help you

Answer some burning questions

Have fun and build cool things

What this isn't

You won't be a programmer in a day

It can't solve everything

Not covering anything advanced, like R

Not overly easy, prepare to have some frustrations

Before we start

Suitable text editor (Sublime, textmate, notepad++)

Autohotkey installed (Windows only)

Python Installed


What is programming?

What are languages?

Looking at problems in a new way


potential hiccups

Tools and tips

Google and Stackoverflow are your friends

Rubber ducking
Syntax is ruthless, have a friend help
Test often
Variable names and comments

First project

automating with Autohotkey

FUNDAMENTALS of programing


//variables are buckets where you store data

testResult = 0

testResult = testResult + 5

atomic types

//Strings are just text

myName = "Scott Tolksdorf"

//Numbers are, well, numbers

currentAge = 26

//Booleans can only ever be True or False

isTeachingAWorkshop = true

//Nil, undefined, or null (language dependent) is used when a variable has never been given a value


errorTime = theLoniestVariable + 6

collection types

//Arrays are ordered lists of other variables

myFavNumbers = [3, 13, 42]

mixedTypes = [true, "this is neat", 45]

mixedTypes[1] == "this is neat"

mixedTypes.push("new value")

//Objects are used for key-value data, like a phonebook, or an encyclopedia

scott = {
    name : "Scott Tolksdorf",
    age : 26,
    isCurrentlyTalkingAboutObjects : true


scott.age + 6

Nesting Data

//Combining collections and atomic types allows you to create useful structures

potluckInfo = {
    date : '5/28/2015',
    attendants : [
            name : "Bill",
            hasPlusOne : true,
            contributing : ['dessert', 'plates']
            name : "Sally",
            hasPlusOne : false,
            contributing : ['main']

potluckInfo.attendants[1].name // -> Sally


//Functions allow you wrap up code and call it

sendGreeting = function(){
    print "Hello World"


add = function(x,y){
    return x + y

add(4,5) // -> 9

add(add(1,3), 5) // -> 9


//Looping (for, each, map) allows us to run code over items in a collection

sum = function(listOfNumbers){
    result = 0
    for(num in listOfNumbers){
        result = result + num
    return result

print sum([1,2,3]) // -> 6

Basically The Basics

don't worry!

You don't need to remember everything


second project

data Crunching

with python

third project

Web APis with javascript


That was fun. 

Coding in the Lab

By Scott Tolksdorf

Coding in the Lab

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