Distributed Co-Design
how can we bring collaborative experience design to open source software development?
Open Source Software (OSS)
is awesome . . .
. . . but it often has a problem . . .
. . . poor user experience
because designers are not involved in development and decision-making . . .
Because . . .
. . . OSS has traditionally been designed and built by and for developers
And . . .
. . . many other reasons
The goal
Apply open source design to OSS development
First, let’s understand the problem-scape better
- Product owner(s)
- Sponsors
Project managers
Vision, maintenance
Product use
Example OSS development model
* Example only, not a generalisation
Shortcomings (opportunity)
Lacking design tools
Design is not distributed
Design process is not integrated
It’s time . . .
to enable all stakeholders to collaborate in the design and development of open (and closed) source projects.
Guiding values
Free and open source
All stakeholders have a voice (participatory design)
Shared knowledge (everyone on the same page)
Decisions based on user research and merit
Plays well with other tools (open, standard formats) - BYO Tools
Sounds great, but how?
OSS needs a development process that:
Brings User Centred Design (UCD) to OSS
Enables new (and current) stakeholders to bring respective workflows together and inform the workflows of other stakeholders
Encourages crowd-sourcing and collaboration
- Enables an open and meritocratic decision-making process
(It also needs more user research)
Let's call this paradigm
Distributed Co-Design
How do we practise DCD?
Among other things, perhaps DCD needs a platform that supports all stakeholders' needs (not just developers) for:
Version control
File sharing
Task delegation
Real time collaboration
Collaborative decision-making
Individual development
Collaborative development (social coding)
Distributed Co-Design and development
Integrated Development Environment
Collaborative Development Environment
Collaborative Design & Development Environment
The future! (maybe)
CDDE model
* For illustration purposes only, not comprehensive!
The vision
Improve (OSS) design by rethinking dev creative collaboration tools so that all stakeholders can collaborate as first-class citizens
But what about . . .
GitHub, Phabricator, Google Drive, IRC, etc
Do current tools allow easy collaboration and equal voice for all stakeholders, both among people in the same role and between different roles?
Collaborative user research tool
Collaborative design tool
Collaborative coding tool
Collaborative project management
Collaborative decision-making tool
Accountability in design and decision-making
Open source
Current tools are fragmented, dev-centric, sometimes proprietary and lack features for some stakeholders.
In short, current tools discourage DCD, if not make it impossible.
Current tools
The motivations (hence behaviours) of stakeholders can be aligned through systems design of DCD to make DCD a productive process.
A CDDE promotes and improves the design of OSS and closed source software.
Stakeholders of open source projects would find enough compelling personal value in a CDDE to use it over current tools and contribute to its development.
An open source model is a viable and effective way to design and develop a CDDE.
An open source model offers the most social benefit through the greatest improvement in design.
A monetisation strategy increases the speed of development and effectiveness of a CDDE.
An open source model offers monetisation opportunities.
A CDDE would offer closed source organisations enough value that they would be willing to pay for the service.
Does DCD just need the right tools?
I don't know, but here are some things to consider
So, what else does it need to succeed?
OSS begins as an itch that developers scratch
Developers hold the keys to the kingdom
Current platforms encourage distributed developer collaboration
Existing tools have traction and half solve the problem
Different projects use different workflows and tools
Code is textual, design is visual
Users, developers and designers are distributed
Attribution is harder for design
OSS faces competition and inspiration from commercial applications
Design requires holistic thinking vs code patching
Contributor burn-out
Systemic considerations
- Stakeholder research (validate hypotheses)
- Promote project and gauge contributor interest
- Bootstrap a Collaborative Design and Development Environment using the principles of Distributed Co-Design
- ???
Next steps
Talk to me (studiospring) on IRC at #opensourcedesign
Sean Loughman © 2017
Distributed Co-Design for Open Source Software Development
By studiospring
Distributed Co-Design for Open Source Software Development
How to bring collaborative experience design to open source software development
- 4,997