
As a child...

     Born in Shadwell, Virginia in 1743, by the age of ten Jefferson was studying French, latin, italian, spanish and greek. 
     When Jefferson was 17 he was accepted into the William and Marie College. After two years, he graduated.

Before Entering Politics

After graduating from William and Marie college, Jefferson decided to study law. His teacher was George Wyth. 

Declaring Independence


By the late 1700s, tensions between the British and the American colonies peaked. Jefferson was appointed to draft the Declaration of Independence which seemed to be the only solution.

America is at war


The during the years of the revolutionary war, Jefferson worked hard to keep the new government together. He became governor of Virginia which would be great practice for later in his life.


In a controversal election in 1796 (after the war) Jefferson lost to Adams by a mear 3 votes! Jefferson had achieved vice president.

Adams served one term, and in 1798, Jefferson was inaugurated as president. He was now leading the country he had worked so hard for.

As A president

As a president, Jefferson lessened America’s debt, freed peoples imprisoned by the Alien and Sedition act and purchased the Louisiana territory in 1893 for $15 million dollars.


By sulky


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