Thullatha Manamum Thullum


Thulladha Manamum Thullum Movie Cast

Hero (Kutty)

Vijay as

Heroine (Rukmani)

Simra as

Comedian (Mani)

Manivannan as

Comedian (Mathan)

Dhamu as

Comedian (Kalyani)

Vaiyapuri as

Comedian (Mathan)

Madhan Bob as


The film begins with Kutty (VIJAY) waiting at the Pune rail station for the train back to Chennai. As he continues to wait, he tears off a paper scrap from a pillar that reveals a carving of the name "Rukmani". The train arrives and Kutty gets into the compartment which is also boarded by college students from Chennai who are musicians. 


During the train journey, Kutty starts singing "Innisai Paadivarum", which catches the attention of everyone and they all begin to sing along with him. After finishing the song, the students applaud Kutty for his singing and ask him whether he's a professional musician and his reason for coming to Pune. Kutty denies this and reveals that he's an ex-convict, having been released from jail after 8 years. When asked why he was imprisoned for so long, Kutty explains the reason for his conviction as the film goes for a flashback.


Kutty is an aspiring singer who works for a local cable provider run by Mani (MANIVANNAN) in Chennai. His songs are appreciated by a college student Rukmani alias 'Rukku' (SIMRAN) and she wishes to meet him. But every time they meet, circumstances place Kutty in situations where Rukku dismisses him as a rowdy, unaware that the person she hates and is accusing of being a rowdy is the same person whom she admires. 


Kutty learns about Rukku's admiration for him and tries to reveal his identity to her, but he still ends up in situations that portray him as a Rowdy. One day while chasing after a pickpocket who stole his wallet, Kutty ends up in Rukku's college where he locates the pickpocket at the other side of a lab room that Rukku happens to be in. Kutty runs into the lab room in front of Rukku, and accidentally knocks over a flask containing reactive chemicals that fall into the ground, causing Rukku to go blind. Kutty doesn't learn about Rukku's loss of sight until one rainy day, when he sees her and tries to reveal his identity.

After understanding that he became the cause for Rukku's blindness, Kutty is wracked with guilt and decides to devote himself to her from then onwards attending to her every need. 


Kutty begins to fall in love with Rukku and he regularly writes to his mother about the development of love he has for her. Rukku in turn learns to respect and love Kutty too, thinking that he is the singer she admires and not knowing that he is the same person she thought was a rowdy and the one who caused her eyesight loss. 


When Kutty's mother dies - much to his grief - she offers her eyes to Rukku. To meet the cost of the eye transplant, Kutty offers his kidney to a Pune -based rich man and travels to Pune with Rukku promising that she will never forget him and will wait for him to return.

Plot continues...

While at the Pune railway station waiting for the train back to Chennai, Kutty carves Rukku's name on one of the pillars (the same carving that was seen in the beginning of the film). Unfortunately, Kutty is arrested by the police after unknowingly agreeing to look after the luggage - which turned out to contain explosives - of another man.


Back in the present day, the students ask Kutty whether he was able to get in touch with Rukku during the past 8 years to which Kutty replies he wasn't able to and misses her a lot. The students assure Kutty that he will find Rukku and wishes him the best of luck as the train arrives to Chennai. 


When Kutty arrives to the area he used to live, he finds that everything has changed during the past 8 years save for a shrine. While contemplating where Rukku might be and the changed environment around him, Kutty sees a passing ambassador car and finds that Rukku is riding in it. Kutty chases after the car while calling out to Rukku and ends up at a Collector's office where it is revealed that Rukku, who had studied for IAS, has become a Collector. 


Kutty calls out to Rukku while being held by an officer whom he accidentally bumped into. However Rukku, having regained her eyesight, still thinks of Kutty as the rowdy who caused her eyesight loss and orders her officers to arrest him. A shocked Kutty is then knocked unconscious and dragged into the police jeep by the officers. 


As the jeep reaches the office gates, it collides with a rickshaw that happens to contain Kutty's earlier Boss Mani (Cable Provider who Kutty used to work for). Finding Kutty at the back of the jeep and learning that Rukku gave the order to arrest him, Mani goes to the Collector's office entrance and angrily questions Rukku about Kutty's arrest. 


During the confrontation, a travelling bus full of people, who accompanied Kutty during his trip back from Pune, sing "Innisai Paadivarum". Rukku hears them and orders the officers to stop the bus chasing after it with Mani tailing behind. As Rukku boards the bus, she asks the passengers if any of them are Kutty. One of the students then reveals to Rukku that Kutty has come back from Pune and is looking for her. Just then Kutty, who regained consciousness and got out of the police jeep, begins singing "Innisai Paadivarum". Everyone hears him and runs towards him. 


As Kutty continues singing, Rukku realizes that the person who she accused of being a rowdy and accidentally caused her blindness and the person who she admired as a singer and took care of her when she was blind has been Kutty this whole time. After Kutty finishes singing, a guilt struck Rukku expresses her joy of finally being able to meet him after so long and tearfully begs for his forgiveness. Kutty forgives her and the two reunite with each other.





Tamil Nadu State Film Awards

Best Actress

Tamil Nadu State Film Awards

Best Film, Second Prize

Moving forward towards 100..


Best film




Special award




Best film



Best producer



Best film

Surya Vamsham


Best film



tamil Population in tamilnadu watched


The journey



91 films in 3 languages

Thank you

Thullatha Manamum Thullum

By Sunil Kumar

Thullatha Manamum Thullum

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