Introduction to Game Development

Sunjay Varma

While you wait...

  1. Install Rust:
  2. Install SDL2:
    • You need SDL2, SDL2_Image, and SDL2_ttf
    • Windows: should not need to do anything!
    • Mac: brew install sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_ttf
               Add export LIBRARY_PATH="$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib" to ~/.bash_profile
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev
  3. Clone:
    Go into each numbered directory and run "cargo run".
    If you run into any compilation errors, please put up your hand.
  4. Introduce yourself to the people next to you (you will need groups of 2-4 people):
    • What is your name?
    • How did you start learning Rust?
    • If you could have any fictional superpower, what would you choose?

These pictures are from ~10 years ago!

Sunjay Varma

Professional compiler enthusiast


Lucio Franco

Professional .clone() caller

  • Full Time Rust OSS on timberio/vector
  • Core contributor to tokio/tower/hyper
  • Board member of the Amethyst Foundation


  • Game Development Fundamentals
  • Entity Component Systems
  • Going Beyond This Workshop
  • Survey


Introduce yourself to the people around you

  • How long have you been programming in Rust? How comfortable do you feel writing Rust?
  • What are you hoping to get out of this workshop?
  • If you could have any animal (real or fictional) as a pet, what would you choose? (feel free to make unrealistic assumptions)

How comfortable do you feel writing Rust code?

  • Less comfortable
  • Somewhat comfortable
  • Very comfortable
  • I write Rust in my sleep (don't tell my boss)

Who has written a game in any programming language?


Who has written a game in Rust?

Who has played video games before?

Developing Games in Rust

Our Workshop

  • Goal: Practice game development fundamentals by implementing key parts of the game shown below.
  • Learn about the specs Entity-Component-System (ECS)

If you haven't already, clone this repo:

Game Development Fundamentals


What is a game?

  • A game is a normal program like anything else you have written before
  • It has input and output
  • Examples of input: keyboard, mouse, game controller, touch screen, accelerometer, etc.
  • Examples of output: text on the screen, 2D/3D graphics, VR, AR, etc.

The Game Loop

// Create a window, initialize game state, etc.

// Run forever (or until the user exits)
loop {
  // Handle ALL the events that are available
  // **right now**, or just keep going

  // Update the state of players, enemies, etc.

  // Draw the entire current state of the game
  // Ensure that 1 second is always 1 second
  // regardless of the speed of the processor

// Save game state, clean up temporary files, etc.


  • Event (noun) - something that happened (e.g. mouse click, key pressed/released, timer elapsed, file changed, etc.)
  • Game State (noun) - the data in your game and the variables that store it
  • Render (verb) - to draw something, usually on the screen
  • Texture (noun) - an image, but can be something more general (e.g. a function with signature fn(Point) -> Color)

SDL2 Event API

  • Event enum - defines the various types of input events that can occur

    • KeyUp and KeyDown - represent when a keyboard key is pressed or released
    • Keycode - represents the different keys on your keyboard
    • repeat - true if a key is being held down and the same event is being sent over and over again
  • EventPump - the struct responsible for giving us access to all the events available right now

SDL2 Event API

loop {
    for event in event_pump.poll_iter() {
        match event {
            // Quit the game if the window is closed or if the escape key is pressed
            Event::Quit {..} |
            Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some(Keycode::Escape), .. } => {
                break 'running
            Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some(Keycode::Up), repeat: false, .. } => {
                println!("The up arrow key pressed down!");
            Event::KeyUp { keycode: Some(Keycode::Up), repeat: false, .. } => {
                println!("The up arrow key released!");
            _ => {},
    // Update, render, etc.

Exercise 1

Fill in the event handling section of the game loop. You will need to use methods on the Player struct. One of the cases is already filled out for you. When you are finished, you should be able to completely control the player's movement. The player should move in the direction of the arrow key you hold down and stop when you release the key.


Relevant Files:

  • 0-with-ecs/src/
  • 0-with-ecs/src/


Make sure you resolve all of the TODO(EX#1) comments.

Bounding Boxes

Basic Collision Detection

let player_bounds = Rect::new(0, 0, 5, 5);
let enemy_bounds = Rect::new(1, 1, 7, 6);
println!("{:?}", player_bounds.intersection(enemy_bounds));


No Intersection

distance = speed * time

pixels = (pixels / μs) * μs

If you walk at a speed of 5 miles per hour for 2 hours, you will walk 10 miles.

Exercise 2

With the people sitting around you, go through the update method in the Player struct line by line and convince each other that the implementation is correct. You may ignore the code that has to do with the "frame" and "frame_timer" fields since that code has to do with animations. Make sure everyone understands the entire method and everything that is going on.


Relevant Files:

  • 0-with-ecs/src/





Looks like walking





Frame 0

Frame 1

Frame 2

Screen Coordinates

World Coordinates

  • Use coordinate systems to abstract away details like the window size, the rendering engine, and so on
  • The main idea: define how positions and sizes in your game map to the other coordinate systems (e.g. the screen)

Coordinate Systems

cargo doc --open

SDL2 Canvas API

Exercise 3

  1. Measure the size of the goal sprite
  2. Convert from world coordinates to screen coordinates
  3. Pass the appropriate arguments to the copy() method to draw the goal on the screen


Relevant Files:

  • 0-with-ecs/src/


Make sure you resolve all of the TODO(EX#3) comments.

Game Development Fundamentals

  • Game loop
  • Event handling
  • Update
  • Render
  • Sprites/Spritesheets/Animations
  • Coordinate Systems
  • Bounding boxes
  • Collision Detection


All of us in this workshop right now

Image source: XKCD "Making Progress"


(in one slide)

ID Position Velocity Sprite Animation
0 (3,-4) 1 Up 0 frame 1
1 (-17,8) -1 Left 1
2 (-1,0) 0 Right
... ... ... ... ...



Created before game loop starts




Game AI


Called during "update" step

Each system processes only the columns it needs

Passed in


Executes in parallel

The specs World API

  • World struct - A container for all the data in our game
    • WorldExt trait - adds specs-specific methods to World (e.g. new, create_entity, etc.)
  • EntityBuilder struct - allows you to add components to a created entity
  • The setup stage - used to initialize the storage for all components that are used in at least one system
use specs::{World, WorldExt, Builder};

let mut World = World::new();
dispatcher.setup(&mut world);

    .with(Position {x: 32, y: 21})
    .with(Velocity {x: -1, y: 0})

Defining Components

use specs::{Component, VecStorage};

struct Position {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

struct Health(u32);

enum Player {

Exercise 4

Create entities and components for the randomly generated enemies. When you start, there should only be a player and the goal on the screen. The player won't move yet (see the next exercise). Once this exercise is complete, the enemies will show up in random positions on the screen but they will not move (also a future exercise).


Relevant Files:

  • 1-with-ecs/src/


Make sure you resolve all of the TODO(EX#4) comments.


  • Systems have no input or output (other than components)
  • Resources give us a way to pass data into and out of systems without having to put data into components unnecessarily
  • Rule of thumb: if the data is associated with an entity, it is a component. Otherwise, it is a resource.
  • Resources are the global variables of the ECS world
  • Alternatives: pass a channel (e.g. crossbeam channel) or some shared memory (e.g. Mutex, RwLock, etc.) to the system when you create it
  • Resources in specs: world.insert, Read, Write,
    ReadExpect, WriteExpect

Exercise 5

Use a resource to pass input to the Keyboard system. The resource you need to use is already defined in You will need to modify the event handling step of the game loop to send the appropriate value (or no value) to the system. When you are done, the player should move in response to pressing the arrow keys.


Relevant Files:

  • 1-with-ecs/src/
  • 1-with-ecs/src/systems/
  • 1-with-ecs/src/


Make sure you resolve all of the TODO(EX#5) comments.

Systems, System Data & Dispatcher

use specs::{System, SystemData, WriteStorage, Join, World, prelude::ResourceId};

pub struct AI;

pub struct AIData<'a> {
    enemies: WriteStorage<'a, Enemy>,
    velocities: WriteStorage<'a, Velocity>,

impl<'a> System<'a> for AI {
    type SystemData = AIData<'a>;

    fn run(&mut self, data: Self::SystemData) {
        let AIData {mut enemies, mut velocities} = data;
        // TODO

fn main() {
    let mut dispatcher = DispatcherBuilder::new()
        .with(systems::Keyboard, "Keyboard", &[])
        .with(systems::Movement {world_bounds}, "Movement", &["Keyboard"])
        .with(systems::WinLoseChecker, "WinLoseChecker", &["Movement"])
        .with(systems::Animator, "Animator", &["Keyboard"])

System Data & Join

pub struct WinLoseChecker;

pub struct WinLoseCheckerData<'a> {
    players: ReadStorage<'a, Player>,
    enemies: ReadStorage<'a, Enemy>,
    bounding_boxes: ReadStorage<'a, BoundingBox>,
    game_status: WriteExpect<'a, GameStatus>,

impl<'a> System<'a> for WinLoseChecker {
    type SystemData = WinLoseCheckerData<'a>;
    fn run(&mut self, data: Self::SystemData) {
        let WinLoseCheckerData {players, enemies, goals, bounding_boxes, mut game_status} = data;

        for (_, BoundingBox(player_bounds)) in (&players, &bounding_boxes).join() {
            for (_, &BoundingBox(enemy_bounds)) in (&enemies, &bounding_boxes).join() {
                // If the player collides with any enemies, they lose
                if player_bounds.has_intersection(enemy_bounds) {
                    *game_status = GameStatus::Lose;

            // ...

Relationships Between Systems







This System Runs Before


This System Runs After



The Dispatcher struct

Exercise 6

Allow enemies to move on their own by implementing the AI system based on You will need to add the system to the dispatcher, determine the system data you need, and use the Join trait. Once you are done, the enemies will move on their own and the entire game should be completely playable.


Relevant Files:

  • 1-with-ecs/src/systems/
  • 1-with-ecs/src/


Make sure you resolve all of the TODO(EX#6) comments.

Why ECS?

Bonus Exercises

Image source:

These exercises are for when you finish early and need something to do

Bonus Exercises

There are bonus exercises in the code labelled with "BONUS". The next few slides provide even more bonus exercises in case you finish the ones below.

There is far less detail for these exercises. Please ask for help if anything is unclear or if you get stuck.

  1. Bonus 1: (1-with-ecs) Implement the Renderer struct. Use the render method from the Player struct to start.
  2. Bonus 2: (1-with-ecs) Implement the Keyboard system. Use the resource from one of the exercises to set the direction of the Player.
  3. Bonus 3: (1-with-ecs) Implement the Animator system.

Bonus Exercises

Please ask for help if anything is unclear about the exercises or if you get stuck.

  1. Remove the calls to "setup" in and look at the panic that occurs
  2. Remove all of the systems from the dispatcher and look at the panic that occurs
  3. For any single component, try making a system with multiple write storages, or one read and one write storage. Look at the panic that occurs.
  4. Make the game more interesting by using the tree sprites in the assets directory to add obstacles (need collision detection + need to avoid generating trees on top of other things)
  5. Continued on next slide...

Bonus Exercises

Please ask for help if anything is unclear about the exercises or if you get stuck.

  1. Make the enemies more interesting by allowing them to "seek" the player if the player is close enough and even jump at them with increased speed (hint: add an enum to the Enemy component to represent the enemy's current state: seeking, attacking, idle, etc.)
  2. Instead of immediately quitting the game and printing something out, stop all action and put some text on the screen that says "You Win" or "You Lose" depending on the game status (hint: add the "ttf" feature to SDL2 in Cargo.toml and look at the examples in the sdl2 repo)
  3. Continued on next slide...

Bonus Exercises

Please ask for help if anything is unclear about the exercises or if you get stuck.

  1. Add a keyboard shortcut for resetting the game (e.g. press "r" to randomly generate a new game)
  2. Instead of dying immediately, use one of the hit animations in the bardo spritesheet to freeze the player for a second. Let them be hit 3 times before losing.
  3. Add a "Heads Up Display" (HUD) to the game to show the number of lives left (find a heart icon online)
  4. Resolve some of the limitations of the game as it is currently programmed:



  • Game loops
  • Event handling
  • Update
  • Render
  • Sprites/Spritesheets/Animations
  • Coordinate systems
  • Bounding boxes
  • Collision Detection
  • Entity-Component-Systems (ECS)
  • Entities, Components, Systems, Dispatchers, Resources
  • and more!

Where do we go from here?

Game Milestones

  • open a window
  • render/draw an image
  • draw a character
  • move the character around
  • animate the character's movement
  • and so on....


  • Examples: look for an "examples" folder in the Rust crate that you're using
  • Documentation: look on or see if they have a link in their README or on
  • Ask in the users forum:

Other Game Engines

Get Involved!

Workshop Survey:

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For further help on your game:

Rust Users Forum:

Introduction to Game Development - 3 hrs

By Sunjay Varma

Introduction to Game Development - 3 hrs

  • 1,738