student librarian training 

Student Questions...

I am doing a field research class and need 10  peer-reviewed articles for my lit review. My topic is:

  • Italian women immigrants in Montreal, the recipes they pass on, and the ingredients they use in their food.

Random facts or reminders:

  • At Concordia, WSDB  = The ? Institute

  • If WSDB students mention the "other library" what do they mean?

  • At Concordia, anthropology is mostly limited to  the  c______l  kind, and is often quite similar to _______gy.

non-subject specific TIPS

You’re supposed to have access to this article, but it won’t work!

  • Wilcox, H. N., & Kong, P. (2014). How to Eat Right in America.  Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 17(1), 81-102.

when we are supposed to have access but don't

We should have touched on:

  • Lit Review and Overview sources as listed on my Professional Development Seminar course page
  • favouring Subject Guides over Databases by Subject
  • the difference between a research question and lit review around it


  •  The How to Find Videos guide, our  "by request" access to Kanopy streaming films
  • Looking up journal titles to verify our subscriptions, contacing lib-eissues@concordia when access isn't working

New librarians & info staff

By susie breier

New librarians & info staff

updated May 21, 2020

  • 1,284