SOCI 203

library research workshop


Google: sociology concordia library

tell me here:

what do you want to know about the library?

let's answer your top picks


want answers to any of those questions??

 ask questions - GET HELP:

icon of person asking a question
speech bubble icon for chat
email icon
phone icon


at the AskUs desk


via chat


via email


by phone

orange "chat with us" icon from the library web site pages

Need assistance beyond a quick chat,
and have a bit of time to plan?

your subject librarian:

Office hours:

ZOOM & H-1132

Tuesdays 3:30-5:30 pm

or by appointment

AskUs Desk
Webster LB building:

most Tuesdays 1-3

most Fridays 4-5

AskSusie, every Tuesday 3:30-5:30 pm, ask any question under the sun about research or the library

pronouns: she/her/elle

under the "Help & How-to" menu, the option Subject and Course guides is highlighted
menu bar from the library web site, with the "Help and How to" tab selected
screenshot of subject & course guides page at:

under sociology see:

screenshot of sociology subject guide page at:

answers to your questions

 the library can  also help you:

access online books or articles

Search for library books, ebooks, articles and films

what if the library doesn't have it ONLINE?

request a book and pick it up later....

or use the call number and
locate button to find it

TWO concordia libraries

Webster Library, downtown (SGW). LB building, across from the Hall building

Vanier Library, Loyola campus,

VL building, straight down from the shuttle bus stop and across the Chapel

1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd West

7141 Sherbrooke St. W.

what if the library DOESN'T have it at all?

search for it in any library worldwide:

... and simply request it!

but you CAN'T borrow eBOOKS from other libraries!!

Course reserves online

Course reserves textbooks

webster Course reserves room - main floor of the library

scanners in the library

printing @ the library & beyond

  1. Connect to Dprint to add money to your account
  2. Connect to Webprint to print your documents.
  3. Find printers in the library (or anywhere on campus)
  4. At the printer, swipe your ID card and follow instructions to retrieve your print jobs

Find SUBJECT-SPECIFIC material, including sociological going BEYOND Sofia on the concordia library main page and using Something better...

best sociology database:

let's find socindex on the library website

under sociology see:

you can also try....



best sociology database:

let's try a search on BODYBUILDING

general purpose /
books & articles

sociological perspectives

sample search: bodybuilding

Sofia Discovery Tool:


socindex:  how can you access / download articles you found?

improve your online searches

better search strategies / keyword combos



Combines concepts. Limits how many results your search produces


Allows for synonyms or alternative terms. Increases the number or results your search produces.
violence OR brutality

Near the end of a word, retrieves all words that start with the letters entered. Increases the number of results a search produces Canad*
(retrieves Canada, Canadian)
“ ” For two words or more, search for an exact phrase only, rather than each keyword separately. Limits how many results your search produces “systemic racism”
(retrieves systemic racism, but not systemic oppression related to racism)

search tips & tricks
 standard library article databases

("police brutality" OR "police violence" OR "police shootings")


(racis* OR discrimination OR bias or profiling)


(defund OR aboli* OR reform)

library article databases:

google scholar:

("police brutality" OR "police violence" OR "police shootings") (racism OR discrimination OR bias OR profiling) (defund OR abolition OR reform)

google scholar strategies:

  • use OR for alternative terms
  • use quotation marks " " for phrases
  • DON'T use AND (it is implied)
  • DON'T use * (happens automatically)

google scholar findit@concordia TIP:

example of a keyword

combination in socindex

example of a keyword search in other EBSCO databases

(YouTube, 7 mins)

Developing your search strategy: VIDEO

search strategy tip: keywords are not the only thing to think about!

Picking your topic takes strategy too

YouTube video, 3 mins

search strategy test yourself

from our Library Research Skills Tutorial:

identify scholarly
(peer-reviewed, academic) sources

scholarly / peer-reviewed articles checklist

In Library Databases you can often simply use a checkbox: 


is it academic / scholarly /


This blog entry reports on an interesting study which involved many academics, but it is NOT an academic/scholarly/ peer-reviewed article and was not published in a journal

This IS an academic/scholarly/
peer-reviewed article. Important clues: published in an peer-reviewed journal, academic language, distinct sections such as abstract and introduction, discussion/conceptualization, and a long bibliography of references.

still not quite getting it?
view  videoS...

VIDEO: peer-review in 3 minutes

find alternatives to wikipedia and ai 

learn about new concepts QUICKLY

use scholarly encyclopedias

from your sociology subject guide: 

from blackwell encyclopedia of sociolgy:

FORMAT your citations & bibliography


Start by picking a

citation style:

use a citation style guide:

typical examples:

in-text citations (APA style)

Hakkinen and Akrami (2014) found that “individuals are receptive to climate change communications, regardless of ideological position” (p. 65).

Research shows that people from any ideological background are open to hearing about climate change (Hakkinen & Akrami, 2014).


typical examples:

Bibliography (APA style)

example of a list of References. see link below for accesible version:!922&wdEmbedFS=1&wdo=2&authkey=!ACb0W46RTUEyCPk

see this sample paper with a reference list on p. 17 

What about automatic citation tools?

take your pick:

a) citation generators*
b) citation management tools*

* Make sure to  double check your generated citations - they are not always correct! Use the Library's citation style guides to make sure all the required elements of the citation are present and correctly formatted.

a) citation generators

Many library databases (for example, Sofia Discovery tool, EBSCO and ProQuest databases) and even Google Scholar, will provide you with formatted citations in the style of your choice that you can copy and paste into your bibliography, reference list or works cited list.

b) citation management tools

Sometimes also called bibliographic management tools, these allow you to:

  • Download citations you find in library catalogues, databases, Google Scholar, and on the web.
  • Store and organize citations, and prepare a bibliography or reference list automatically.
  • Automatically format and insert in-text citations and a bibliography into papers you are writing with Microsoft Word, for example.

There are several citation management tools available.
Concordia Library provides support for Zotero.

Tweet reproduced with permission from Hannah @hannajaneface

libraries are not neutral...

“The library is always an ideological structure. It’s not just what goes into the library that matters, but how it is organized and under which norms.”

“...The actual ‘information’ contained in libraries, and how it is organized ... somehow manages to construct a reality wherein whiteness is default, normal, civilized and everything else is Other.”  

Daniel Heath Justice, Ph.D, ACRL Choice Webinar: Indigenous Literatures, social justice and the decolonial library

nina de jesus, Locating the library in institutional oppression, In the library with the lead pipe (Sept 24, 2014)

adapted from Michelle Lake's FPST 201 slides, September 2019

Experiment with fibre arts technology and electronics, learn how to make zines and notebooks, and much, much more: 

learn more about ai

Libraries  and library workers don't necessary have all the answers, but we are definitely part of the evolving conversation about ChatGPT and so many other Generative AI tools, especially those related to research.

ask us about ai

  • Ask your subject librarian (that's me)
  • watch for our library workshops on AI
  • check out our quick and short info pages:
screenshot of the What's New announcement and link to our pages about AI
screenshot of our ChatGPT & Generative AI page

SOCI 203 - Concordia Libraries

By susie breier

SOCI 203 - Concordia Libraries

Concordia Libraries slides for SOCI 203

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