Brainhack Marseille 2021
What's a Brainhack?
A neuroscience hackathon...
- working on projects together
- sharing expertise
- self- and community-driven training
- voluntary participation
- launching collaborations
- un-organized
- flexible (do what you want!)
- coding or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our environment
- the code of conduct
- respect your environment @ INT
- respect the participants
Brainhack Marseille 2021
The un-organization
COVID-19 measures
- wear your mask at all time
wash your hands often
Some tools
- mattermost to share info, get coordinated
- your brain to think
- your mouth to discuss
- git for versioning
- python, matlab, R & co
- list of ressources
- the Brainhack Global site
Our space
- HQs, coffee, lunchs, apéro: the 4th floor space
- tutorials & unconferences: the 1st floor meeting room
- extras: the 2nd floor and 4th floor meeting rooms
- hacking: all of the above
Go to mattermost, there's a file to "book" a room!
Our sponsors
- INT (hosting and social event)
- NeuroSchool (food & coffee)
@NeuroSchool students
Sign the participation sheet to get your credits!
The program...
Brainhack Marseille
2019, first edition, ~40 participants
2020, fully online, ~40 participants
- 62 registered participants
- 14 institutions, 6 countries
- 8 "official" projects + others
- a Marseille-Lyon session
- a presentation about WinRepo
The team
Brainhack Marseille 2021
By Sylvain Takerkart
Brainhack Marseille 2021
- 431