Past experiences

click down to explore our story

2017-2019: Building Remix

feb 2017

jan 2019

2013 - now: Organizing co-learning communities 

2016: free code camps Asia

2015: Refugees

2014: E-learning app + content (for Gov Serbia)

          Play Project (2019+)

  • 2 part time
  • 2 even more part time
  • super motivated & passionate about p2p web and tooling for new devs
  • part of Ethereum Foundation





What did we buidl?

solidity editor

lightweight editor with live preview

Deploy and interact with contracts through Metamask

play-workshop module

helps anyone create a workshop using our module

data is owned by you

workshop and  content is owned by creators

& hosted on your domain




skill tree

all workshops are decentralized but connected in a curriculum


creating workshop       =       filling out a json file




lesson title & link


i.e. embedded code editor


i.e. lesson description, links

connect your workshop

How to add workshops into a skill tree

Tutorial to create a workshop

What's next?

Current work in progress

workshop generator

preview & publish a new workshop

exercise tasks & bounties

i.e. gitcoin

extension proposal

for workshop.json

free code camp 2019

Nov (Chiang Mai, Thailand)

  • join as a learner / remote mentor / content creator
  • outsource tasks to learners
    (so they can earn while they learn)
  • become a sponsor
    (help us bounty the learning process)

for more info see Wizard Amigos channel

Thank you!

For more information

Copy of PLAY

By Taous Khoudour

Copy of PLAY

EDCON 2019 Talk, Sydney

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