CEE: Learning and Teaching Technology division
CEE's Educational Technology team runs a suite of boutique services for the Learning and Teaching Technology division at SFU.
November 25th, 2019
Number your index cards (#1 - #?)
Wait for prompt
Draw for 30 seconds
Gallery walk
Ki (起): The first panel forms the basis of the story; it sets the scene.
Shō (承): The second panel develops upon the foundation of the story laid down in the first panel.
Ten (転): The third panel is the climax, in which an unforeseen development occurs.
Ketsu (結): The fourth panel is the conclusion, in which the effects of the third panel are seen
Living Documents:
Drawing a 3-Panel Comic from Primary Sources
“We are a species that's wired to tell stories. We need stories. It's how we make sense of things.
It's how we learn.”
Steven Soderbergh, director (Ocean’s 11, Traffic)
Notredame best practices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=138&v=0PNq0faZwOM
Carleton: https://carleton.ca/edc/faculty-and-instructors/educational-technology/lightboard/
A great page on the build https://www.clayton.edu/celt/lightboard/build
The original lightboard: https://lightboard.info
A lightboard for use in classroom or lecture halls https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.5b00155
A list of other examples: http://www.phys.ufl.edu/~mocko/Lightboard_Design.htm
A prof that has an entire YouTube channel of videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/yoprofmatt
By CEE: Learning and Teaching Technology division
Storyboarding is about creating visual roadmaps to guide each phase of a production process. It is an essential part of video and audio creation, and it’s a practice that can bring clarity and order to any other project you are working on. This hands-on workshop will introduce you to the process of turning a storyboard into a finished asset for teaching. Using the storyboard you create in along with a lightboard and video/audio technology, you will record a live drawing performance to create an instructional or “explainer” video for your course or presentation. You will also have the opportunity to enhance your drawing skills in a variety of physical and digital formats.
CEE's Educational Technology team runs a suite of boutique services for the Learning and Teaching Technology division at SFU.