Team Chase
Dave DeRienzo
Jason Levy
Alex Shtraks
Jared Snyder
Luqian Zhao
Alex Belyus
Shumin Li
Laura Hummel
Brittany Shannon
Emma Walker
Kevin Brett
Ryan Hummel
Philip Laska
Danielle Martinez
Vincent Zarzycki
Project Executives:
Brad Marg
Dennis Paris
Project Overview
Integrated Marketing Tactics
Storyboards with Corresponding Tactics
Financial & Resource Considerations
Key Success Indicators
Future Considerations
Project Overview
Phase I
Understand New to Credit (NTC) customers
Focus on millennials
Evaluate competitive landscape
Phase II
Build upon existing research
Develop a marketing plan with 3 tactical recommendations
- A Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) tactic adding value to the Slate/Chase brand while connecting with millennials
- Capitalizing on user generated content submissions that strengthens relationship between Slate and millennials
- Fostering financial responsibility through learning
3 Integrated Marketing Tactics
Josh and Jess - College - New Family
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Create a financially viable social awareness campaign that speaks to new card members
Millennials distrust large corporations but look to them to solve
global problems -
Butterfly Effect: willingness to buy, recommend, work for and invest in a company:
60% by perceptions of company / 40% by perceptions of products or services
73% of consumers are willing to recommend companies they believe to be delivering on CSR
Top 100 Companies by CSR
#ChaseGives Execution
PLAN: Incentivize Slate users to utilize their
new Slate card by attaching purchases to social causes- Points issued to card members to vote for cause
- Match $$$ per month to charity of card members choice - %age, etc, research support
JPM has significant amount of corporate social responsibility programs currently in place
- Tie to Slate product - should not be viewed as an "add-on"
- Capitalize on employee engagement
Similar CSR Campaigns
Contributes an extra $25,000 to the organization that receives the most donations from card members annually
BMW Group
Intercultural Innovation Award: given to projects that work toward solving intercultural tension and conflict (provide financial support, advisory services, and network utilization)
Smarter City Initiative: sends teams to work closely with city leaders and deliver recommendations on improvements
Donates 50 cents per survey completion to the taker's charity choice (More than $1M in 2013)
Walt Disney
JP Morgan & Chase
Launched in 2013 - $250 million, five-year initiative aimed at helping close the skills gap around the world
3 year development program launched in 2009 focused on young men of color in low-income communities
CSR Impact by RepTrak Score
Source: 2014 RepTrak 100 - Global Top Line Report
- Increased Card Usage: Usage will be associated with charitable contribution
Increased Recognition & Marketing: 59% of consumers would go out of their way to communicate something positive about companies they see as being good corporate citizens
- Reputation
- Long term customer loyalty
- Employee Recruitment
- Participation / Time Constraints (LT Initiative)
ROI of CSR - hard to measure
- Only 5% of companies are seen as delivering on CSR
- Transparency is key for success as the business of business is business
- Initial momentum of the program both internally and externally
- Difficulty integrating with current culture
- Lack of government regulations
Sara - NonStudent
Participatory Marketing program comprised of user generated content in the form of video, images, tweets and posts all linked together by the #SlateStories
Why it Works:
Millennials are egocentric and competitive. Technology has made them feel empowered
Potential link to #ChaseGives to highlight charitable contributions by Chase and Slate cardholders
Successful examples - Doritos, Fiesta Movement, Starbucks,
Success will be based on industry supported metrics including page views, count of submissions, unique contributors
Doritos' Super Bowl Success
The Tactic:
Take 100 influential bloggers, give them each a car and a video camera, send them monthly challenges, and ask them to blog about their experiences.
The Results:
—6.2 million You Tube views
—750,000 Flickr views
—40 million Twitter impressions
Which ultimately led to:
—6,000 pre-orders
—23,000 units sold
The Fiesta Movement
Participatory Marketing
An equally valued collaboration between company and consumer.
Other Names: co-creation, crowd sourcing, user generated content and co-development
- Low Volume / Percentage of participants
- "No going back" - failures are visible for an extended period of time
- May invite unfavorable comments of the brand
- It's all in the roll-out and execution
- Direct customer link - immediate feedback
- Opportunity for simple, yet valuable analytics
- Customer feels connection to company
- Savings on content creation expense
- Opportunity to 'Go Viral' and Manage Messaging
#SlateStories Execution
How to make #SlateStories a successful marketing Tactic for Slate
- Roll-out Tactic: Video advertisement showcasing sample #SlateStories submissions from beta users
- Submission Platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Youtube
Duration: 6 - 12 month cycles, repeatable as desired
Prizes (examples) :
Grand Prize - large national event, i.e. Super Bowl (~ $5,000)
Runner-Up - Music Festival (~$1,000)
Third Place - Local Sports Event (~$500)
Top 20 contributors will also receive double Chase Give contributions (Cost TBD)
All contributors will receive a mention on the Chase Twitter and Facebook message boards to boost their own social media presence
#SlateStories Execution (cont.)
- #SlateStories hashtags and online posts will be monitored by a Chase employee. Posts that are negative in nature will be flagged and the creator will be contacted by Chase for immediate follow-up and customer service resolution
- Chase will have the opportunity to be aware of any negative content being published, as it will be linked to the hashtag, and can react on an as needed basis
- Target Segment: Millennials that use social media to interact with businesses (80%)
Kristen - Recent Grad
Only 40% of millennials pay balance in full
- Often, payments are missed completely
- Millennials afraid of taking on more debt
Chase is not "out to get" millennials
Plan: Late payment forgiveness
- Consecutive Payments
- Financial Literacy Quiz
#CleanSlate Components
Clean Slate eligible within 6-12 months
Track on-time payments & missed payment notification
Financial literacy quiz
One time yearly benefit
Ease of campaign
All new Slate customers
E-mail is the preferred communication vehicle
"Welcome e-mail" decisions
Why Text?
- Ongoing / continued quiz question development and monitoring
- Opt-In texting
- Rewarding "quality" and not "quantity"
- Teachable moments
- Smart decisions lead to new points of view
Initial marketing / roll-out and ongoing overhead:
Quizzes, mobile app, and associated content (medium)
Social media presence (low)
"Portal" maintenance cost (medium - opportunity to leverage existing functionality)
- #ChaseGives: Consider charity partnerships and tax implications, as well as budget source, ongoing costs and additional overhead for tracking and reporting (medium)
- #SlateStories: Tactical roll-out / advertising costs, monitoring costs, prize costs (low)
- #CleanSlate: Revenue lost for one month of late payment forgiveness (medium w/ potential for increase in future on-time payments)
Resource Considerations
Key Success Indicators
Metrics we can use to define success in marketing Slate to Millennials and new to credit borrowers
Change in conversion rate from deposit customers to Slate card holders
Directly measurable increases in social media interactions by card holders (likes, shares, followers)
Measurable increase over time in #ChaseGives as a proxy for program success (increased revenue)
Change in perception of Chase as a company that cares - (CSR Scores & Customer Service Scores)
Key Success Indicators (cont.)
Increases in on-time payment rate, and decreases in outstanding rolling balances as a result of increased financial responsibility and understanding
Increased year-over-year retention rates for existing card holders / decreased cancellations
Downstream conversion rate to Freedom / Sapphire and other Chase Products (brokerage, mortgage, retirement services, etc)
Future Considerations
Engaging Slate customers into the credit ecosystem - extending the journey
Develop distinct criteria for offering additional credit product & ancillary offerings:
- Cadence, Media, Messaging
Develop distinct criteria for offering additional credit product & ancillary offerings:
The importance of actionable data: Retention Rates - year over year retention
Gather data at time of cancellation
5x more expensive to obtain a new customer than to retain an existing customer
Spending Trends
Identify customers who's spend increases and those who's spend decreases (as a result of the Chase Slate Card)
Decreases - perform outreach to identify - have they signed on with a competitor?
Increases - continuous evaluation of whether they are qualified for next step
Appendix: Social Awareness
- 75% of Millennials made a financial gift to a non-profit in 2011
- 71% raise money on behalf of a non-profit
- 57% do volunteer work
- 69% have shared (on social media) stats about their favorite cause
Source: Millennials - Breaking the Myths
Nielsen April 2014
Appendix: Social Networking
- Millenials expect brands to have a social presence, but would rather see a brand without a social presence than a brand with unengaging, self centered social media marketing.
Appendix: Social Networking
Source: Millennails: The Portrait of Generation Next - Pew Research Center
Appendix: Email
- 3% of adults use their phone to check the internet, and 34% of total cell users only use their phone. This makes mobile email marketing a critical component of online outreach
- The quickest way to lose email customers, especially millennials is to email them too much.
- Something too devoid of substance may turn millennials off.
- According to the
Appendix: RepTrak Score Description
Source: 2014 RepTrak 100 - Global Top Line Report
Appendix: Participatory Marketing
- Strive for transparency. Owning up to mistakes is a better sell to millennials than trying to assign blame or disregard error.
- Stand for something. Millennials are attuned to businesses that embrace causes and larger purpose beyond profit.
- Millennials want to co-create the products and services that you sell,
- Millennials want to co-create the customer journey or the customer experience
- 61% of Millennials feel that it is important o find a brand that reflects their own personality
T-Mobile Breakup Letter
At the beginning of this year, T-Mobile offered to pay the contract cancellation fees of any person who "broke up" with their existing cell phone service and switched to T-Mobile.
They launched an "Un-Valentines Day" with a Facebook app that let people create a custom break up letter to their carrier and share it on their social networks.
T-Mobile said80,000 people post breakup lettters
Chase Presentation
By teamchase
Chase Presentation
MKTG 5402 Temple University presentation for JPM Chase
- 1,015