Efiltr - Good vibes only - Protect yourself from harmful radiation

eFilter could be a longitudinal waves electrical device. Mobile phones and wireless/DECT telephones transmit longitudinal waves in each standby and transmit mode. Longitudinal waves ar suspected of inflicting injury to human organisms. eFilter could be a field convertor that modifies the magnetic force field throughout the transmit mode of a phonephone and prevents the spreading out of longitudinal waves. It offers optimum protection while talking on your phone. 


eFilter works on all mobile phones and wireless/ DECT telephones. It doesn't have an effect on any of the telephones functions or options. eFilter was tested on several famed phone brands. 

eFilter could be a field convertor that modifies the magnetic force field throughout the transmit mode of telephones. Hence, it's simply necessary to get rid of the wrapping from the lowest of the chip and stick it on the backside of the portable. 

The results of our research: Our eFilter chip was tested by a number one freelance institute in Europe for bio-electromagnetism. during this university study, check persons were place in associate setting protected by a cage. The check persons were connected to a fine tag EEG-brain waves measuring system. 

In the 1st measure the cerebral streams were measured within the rest state. The graph showed mundane brain waves within the rest state with all check persons. 

In the second measure a portable in transmit mode was driven with a automaton arm to the ear of the check persons. The graph showed outstanding, knock out cerebral streams with all check persons. 

In the third measure a phone in transmit mode was driven with a automaton arm, precisely as created in the second measure, to the ear of the check persons and also the same story was scan to them. this point with the distinction that the eFilter chip was mounted on the portable.

Now the EEG showed similar unremarkable cerebral streams on all test persons, likewise as within the rest state of the primary measurement. 

An impressive proof that eFilter neutralizes the influence of nonparticulate radiation on organisms.


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