Version Control

Get Started with Git


  • Stage working code for `commit`
  • `Commit` code locally
  • `Push` code to remote repository

By the end of this module:

Before continuing:

You should have completed:

  • Module - Set your CodeSpace
  • Passed one of the tests in the coding challenge


What we've done so far:

  • Complete basics on using the CLi
  • Setup our Github accounts and Git CLi
  • `Fork` and `clone` a Github repo
  • `open .` To view the cloned project in our finder/explorer
  • Open our project in Sublime
  • Edit, run and pass a test in the browser. PHEW!!!

Let's Git it Started

Make viewable on your desktop:

  • Your command line interface
  • A Chrome browser with Github profile loaded

WARNING: Now is not the time for commitment issues


At the prompt `$`:

  1. `git status` - view changed files
  2. `git add rawstrings.js` - stage changes for commit
  3. `git commit` - save changes for pushing

NOTE: You may see others use `git commit -m [commit message]` follow OUR instructions for this class 

WARNING: Don't do anything else!!! (See video on vim/nano)

Default editor

After `git commit` you will taken to a default code editor. This is a sensitive environment so follow the video instructions on `vim` and `nano`.

NOTE: Be very careful wait for instructions

Time to push

We're done with committing time to push to remote

  1. `git push origin master` 
  2. Enter your Github handle (case sensitive) 
  3. Enter your Github password (will be phantom)

If you run in to any errors, now is a great time to utilize your resources

Happy Coding

  • This is the end of the Git pre-course
  • Keep passing tests and keep committing
  • If you get stuck, use your resources, and review the modules. 
  • See the summary of git commands on the next slide


$ git status             # Changed since the last commit
$ git add [file]         # Stage the changes for commit
$ git commit             # Commit changes to push
# Review video on vim/nano
$ git push origin master # Push changes to remote repo


Google the error message from your console


  • Google

  • Stack Overflow (community)


  • w3schools

  • Slack (community)

  • (Git)


Next Module:

Copy of Version Control

By telegraphprep

Copy of Version Control

  • 741