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What to expect from the Precourse Accept Program


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1. Meet the Staff

2. Program Overview
3. Student Expectations
4. Program Expectations


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Meet our wonderful staff!

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Albrey Brown, Program Coordinator

I coordinate the class, and deliver the lectures. My goal is to make sure the class runs smoothly for you in the background  and answer questions via help desk.




Fun Fact: I DJ and officiate weddings as a hobby.

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Doug Calhoun, Lead Tech Mentor

I will make sure you don't get stuck for too long on any one problem or concept. My goal is to help you build your fundamentals and autonomy as efficiently as possible over the next 2 weeks.

Fun Fact: I've had a beard since I was 6 years old.

Program Overview

Teachable Overview

Student Expectations

Your Goals


  1. Become a much better programmer.

  2. Pass the Readiness Assessment

  3. Finish the Prep & Precourse Work

Student Expectations

Be on time: We value punctuality. If you show up less than 10 minutes before class, you're late. ​(5:50pm on Weekdays, 8:50am on weekends).

Be present: Our schedule is highly condensed. Spend every second coding, not distracted by the internet and such.

Be respectful and professional: It's important that we like each other and are taking this education seriously.

Have a good attitude: When you are frustrated, take a break. If you have feedback, give it constructively.

Student Expectations

Work on material outside of class hours.

Student Expectations

Attendance Policy:


Attendance is extremely important for your success.


You will need to attend every single class possible. However, we realize schedules are hard to change with such short notice - this is a new program.


If you can attend most of the classes and spend any extra needed time.

Student Expectations

Questions, concerns, comments?

PCA Expectations

What you can and can't expect from PCA in class, and outside of the class room.

Reasonable Expectations

Coding Assistance: From 6:00 - 9:00pm M-TH, and 10am to 7pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Kick-Off: A lecture and/or kick-off that will give you context around the sprint topic.


Guided Instruction via helpdesk: HIR's instructors who will always be ready to help guide you toward the answer.

Unreasonable Expectations

Coding Help: Any time outside of the 6:00 to 9 M/Th, and 10am - 7m on Saturday and Sunday.

Answers to Challenges: It's not our job to give you the answer, but to help you learn to find it on your own.



Admittance into your preferred cohort: We can't promise this. It is on you.

Thank You!

Thank You!

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We look forwarding to coding with you!

Extended Precourse Accept Expectations Lecture

By telegraphprep

Extended Precourse Accept Expectations Lecture

  • 952