Methods (Functions)
Telerik Academy Alpha


 Table of contents

What are methods?

 What are methods?

  • A method  is a kind of building block that solves a small problem

  • The Main() you are using to execute your app is a method

  • Also known as functions, procedures, etc.

 Declare method

static void PrintLogo() // PrintLogo is the method's name
    Console.WriteLine("Telerik Academy");
  • PrintLogo is the method name

  • void is the return type of the method

  • static will be explained in later lectures

  • between { and } is the method body

 Declare method 

  • When you see something called with () in C# it is a method

  • Methods in C# (Java) could not exist without a class

// class definition
class Program
    // method definition
    static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

 Declare method 

// class definition
class Program
    // method definition
    static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
  • There must be only one Main() method in a program

  • It is the entry point of your program

Methods Demystified

 You have already used them

string myText = "Pesho is attending Alpha every day.";
  • All the blue boxes are methods (functions) of the class String

    • The wrench icon means it is a property 

    • Properties are just like methods (later in the lectures)

 Methods parameters

  • Methods could have parameters or not

    • Parameters are passed and the method could use them 

// Method without parameter
static void PrintMessage()
    Console.WriteLine("Telerik Academy");

// Method WITH parameter
static void PrintMessage(string message)

 Methods parameters

  • There could be many parameters

    • Every parameter should have type and a name 

// Method with one parameter
static void PrintMessage(string message)

// Method with two parameters
static void PrintMessage(string message, int number)
    for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)

 Calling methods

  • Call the method and pass parameters (if any)

class Program
    static void Main()
        PrintMessage("Telerik Academy passed as parameter");
    static void PrintMessage()
        Console.WriteLine("Telerik Academy");

    static void PrintMessage(string message)

 Methods overloading

  • NOTE: These two methods could exist simultaneously

    • This is called method overloading

// Method with one parameter
static void PrintMessage(string message)

// Method with two parameters
static void PrintMessage(string message, int number)
    for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)

 Methods overloading

  • There could be multiple methods with the same name

    • but they have to receive different number and/or types of parameters

// Method with one parameter
static void PrintMessage(string message)

// Method with one parameter but the same type
static void PrintMessage(string msg)

The same parameter type and number of parameters.
It doesn't matter if the name is different.

 Methods overloading

  • There could be multiple methods with the same name

    • but they have to receive different number and/or types of parameters

// Method with one parameter
static void PrintSomething(string message)

// Method with one parameter but from different type
static void PrintSomething(int number)

 Methods parameters (optional)

  • Some parameters can be declared optional

    • that happens when you set them a default value

    • only the last parameters can be optional

class Program
    static void Main()
        PrintMessage(); // This will print Telerik Academy
        PrintMessage("Hello"); // This will print Hello
    // Method with optional parameter
    static void PrintMessage(string message = "Telerik Academy")

 Methods return type

  • Every method could return a value or not

    • void - the method does not return anything. It just makes something

class Program
    static void Main()
        PrintMessage(); // This will print Telerik Academy

    static void PrintMessage()
        Console.WriteLine("Telerik Academy");

 Methods return type

  • Every method could return a value or not

    • any type - the method must return object of that type

class Program
    static void Main()
        string upperCaseMessage = UpperCaseLetters("Telerik Academy");
        Console.WriteLine(upperCaseMessage); // prints TELERIK ACADEMY
    // return type string
    static string UpperCaseLetters(string message)
        // ToUpper() is a method of the String class
        return message.ToUpper();

 Methods return type

  • return keyword exits the method and returns a value

    • if the method is void the return keyword just exits the method

    • anything after return will not be executed

class Program
    static void Main()
    static void PrintMessage(string message)
        return; // anything below this line will not be executed
        Console.WriteLine(message); // Unreachable code detected warning

  params keyword

  • params - you can specify a method parameter  that takes a variable number of arguments

class Program
    static void Main()
        PrintMessage("TelerikAcademy", "test");

    static void PrintMessage(params string[] arr)
        foreach (var line in arr)

  params keyword

  • It could be comma-separated list of arguments of the type specified in the parameter declaration

  • It could be an array of arguments of the specified type

  • You also can send no arguments

  • params must be the last parameter passed to the method

Best Practices

 Best practices

  • Each method should perform a single, well-defined task
  • Method’s name should describe that task  in a clear and non-ambiguous way
    • ​CalculatePrice(), ReadName()
    • Process(), PrintInfoAndRegisterUser()
  • ​​In C# the methods are named using PascalCase


[C#] Methods

By telerikacademy

[C#] Methods

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