Principles of OOP - Part 1
Telerik Academy Alpha


 Table of contents

Fundamental principles of OOP


  • Inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, and polymorphism are four fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming.
    • Inheritance - ​Inherit members from parent class
    • Abstraction - Define and execute abstract actions
    • Encapsulation - Hide the internals of a class
    • Polymorphism - Access a class through its parent interface




  • Inheritance allows child classes to inherit the characteristics of an existing parent (base) class
    • Attributes(fields and properties)
    • Operations(methods)
  • Child class can extend the parent class
    • Add new fields and methods
    • Redefine methods(modify existing behavior)
  • A class can implement an interface by providing implementation for all its methods


derived class inherits base(parent) class
class implements interface
derived interface extends base interface

 Inheritance - benefits

  • Inheritance has a lot of benefits
    • Extensibility
    • Reusability (code reuse)
    • Provides abstraction
    • Eliminates redundant code
  • Use inheritance for buidling is-a relationships
    • is-a animal(dogs are kind of animals)
  • Don't use it to build has-a relationship
    • has-a name(dog is not kind of name)

 Inheritance - benefits

  • Inheritance implicitly gains all members from another class
    • All fields, methods, properties, events, …
    • Some members could be inaccessible (private)
  • The class whose methods are inherited is called base (parent) class
  • The class that gains new functionality is called derived (child) class

 Inheritance in .NET

  • A class can inherit only one base class
    • E.g. IOException derives from SystemException and it derives from Exception
  • A class can implement several interfaces
    • This is .NET’s form of multiple inheritance
    • E.g. List<T> implements  IList<T>, ICollection<T>,
  • An interface can implement several interfaces
    • E.g. IList<T> implements ICollection<T> and

 Use inheritance

  • Specify the name of the base class after the name of the derived(with colon)
public class Shape
{ … }
public class Circle : Shape
{ … }
  • Use the keyword base to invoke the parent constructor
public Circle(int x, int y) : base(x)
{ … }

 Inheritance - live demo

 Access modifiers

  • Access modifiers in C#
    • public – access is not restricted
    • private – access is restricted to the containing type
    • protected – access is limited to the containing type and types derived from it
    • internal – access is limited to the current assembly
    • protected internal – access is limited to the current assembly or types derived from the containing class

 Access modifiers



  • Abstraction means ignoring irrelevant features, properties, or functions and emphasizing the relevant ones...
  • ... relevant to the given project
    • With an eye to future reuse in similar projects
  • Abstraction helps managing complexity


  • Abstraction is something we do every day
    • Looking at an object, we see those things about it that have meaning to us
      • ​You ask for the name, not the size of the shoes
    • We abstract the properties of the object, and keep only what we need
    • E.g. students get "name" but not "color of eyes"
  • Allows us to represent a complex reality in terms of a simplified model
  • Abstraction highlights the properties of an entity that we need and hides the others

 Abstraction in .NET

  • In .NET object-oriented programming abstraction is achieved in several ways:
  • Abstract classes
  • Interfaces
  • Inheritance



  • Interfaces define a set of operations
    • Also called "contract" for providing a set of operations
    • Contains only the signatures of methods, properties, events or indexers
    • An interface can inherit from one or more base interfaces
      • C# doesn't support multiple inheritance of classes


public interface IDrawable 
    Point StartingPoint { get; set; }

    void Draw(); 


  • Interfaces provide abstractions
  • You invoke the abstract actions
  • Without worrying how it is internally implemented
  • Interfaces describe a prototype of group of methods(operations), properties and events



  • An interface has the following properties:

    • An interface is like an abstract base class. Any class or struct that implements the interface must implement all its members.

    • An interface can't be instantiated directly. Its members are implemented by any class or struct that implements the interface.



  • An interface has the following properties:
    • Interfaces can contain events, indexers, methods, and properties.
    • Interfaces contain no implementation of methods.

    • A class or struct can implement multiple interfaces. A class can inherit a base class and also implement one or more interfaces.


 Interfaces Exmaples

namespace System.Collections.Generic
    public class List<T> : 
    { ... }
  • List class implementation

 Interfaces Exmaples

namespace System.Collections.Generic
    public interface IList<T> : ICollection<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable
        T this[int index] { get; set; }

        int IndexOf(T item);
        void Insert(int index, T item);
        void RemoveAt(int index);
  • IList<T> interface

 Interfaces Exmaples

namespace System.Collections.Generic
    public interface ICollection<T> : IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable
        bool IsReadOnly { get; }
        void Add(T item);
        void Clear();
        bool Contains(T item);
        void CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex);
        bool Remove(T item);
  • ICollection<T> interface

 Interfaces - live demo

Abstract classes

 Abstract classes

  • Abstract classes are special classes defined with the keyword abstract
    • Mix between class and interface
    • Partially implemented or fully unimplemented
    • Not implemented methods are declared abstract and are left empty
    • Cannot be instantiated directly
  • Child classes should implement all abstract methods/properties or be declared as abstract too


 Abstract classes

  • Abstract methods are empty methods without implementation
    • The implementation is intentionally left for the derived classes
  • When a class contains at least one abstract method/property, it is called abstract class and must be declared as such
  • Abstract classes model abstract concepts
    • E.g. person, object, item, movable object


 Abstract classes - live demo

 Abstract class vs Interface

  • C# interfaces are like abstract classes, but in contrast interfaces:
    • Can not contain methods with implementation
      • All interface methods are abstract
    • Members do not have scope modifiers
      • Their scope is assumed public
      • But this is not specified explicitly
    • Can not define fields, constants, inner types and constructors




  • Encapsulation hides the implementation details
  • Class announces some operations (methods) available for its clients – its public interface
  • All data members (fields) of a class should be hidden
    • Accessed via properties (read-only and read-write)
  • No interface members should be hidden


  • Fields are always declared private
    • Accessed through properties in read-only or read-write mode
  • Constructors are almost always declared public
  • Interface members are always public
    • Not explicitly declared with public
  • Non-interface methods are declared
    private / protected / internal


  • Ensures that structural changes remain local:
    • Changing the class internals does not affect any code outside of the class
    • Changing methods' implementation does not reflect the clients using them
  • Encapsulation allows adding some logic when accessing client's data
    • E.g. validation on modifying a property value
  • Hiding implementation details reduces complexity → easier maintenance

 Encapsulation - live demo


[C# OOP] Principles of OOP - Part 1

By telerikacademy

[C# OOP] Principles of OOP - Part 1

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