DB Introduction
Telerik Academy Alpha
Table of contents
Databases Overview
Relational Database Management System
Relational Data Modelling
Databases Overview
Relational Databases
Database models
Hierarchical (tree)
Relational (table)
Relational databases
Represent a bunch of tables together with the relationships between them
Rely on a strong mathematical foundation: the relational algebra
RDBMS systems are also known as:
Database management servers
Or just database servers
Popular RDBMS servers:
Microsoft SQL Server
Oracle Database
Database tables consist of data, arranged in rows and columns
For example (table People):
Id | FirstName | LastName | Employer |
1 | Steve | Jobs | Apple |
2 | Bill | Gates | Microsoft |
3 | Jeff | Bezos | Amazon |
All rows have the same structure
Columns have name and type (number, string, date, image, or other)
Table Schema
The schema of a table is an ordered sequence of column specifications (name and type)
For example the Persons table has the following schema:
Persons (
Id: number,
FirstName: string,
LastName: string,
Employer: string
Table Primary Key
Primary key is a column of the table that uniquely identifies its rows (usually it is a number or GUID)
Two records (rows) are different if and only if their primary keys are different
The primary key can be composed of several columns
Id | Name | CountryName |
1 | Sofia | Bulgaria |
2 | Plovdiv | Bulgaria |
3 | Munich | Germany |
4 | Berlin | Germany |
5 | Moscow | Russia |
Table Relationships
Relationships between tables are based on interconnections: primary key / foreign key
Id | Name | CountryId |
1 | Sofia | 1 |
2 | Plovdiv | 1 |
3 | Munich | 2 |
4 | Berlin | 2 |
5 | Moscow | 3 |
Id | Name |
1 | Bulgaria |
2 | Germany |
3 | Russia |
Id | Name | CountryName |
1 | Sofia | Bulgaria |
2 | Plovdiv | Bulgaria |
3 | Munich | Germany |
4 | Berlin | Germany |
5 | Moscow | Russia |
By using relationships we avoid repeating data in the database
In this example, the name of the country is not repeated for each town (its unique number is used instead)
ContinentId |
... |
... |
... |
Table Relationships
The foreign key is an identifier of a record located in another table (usually its primary key)
Relationships have multiplicity:
One-to-many – e.g. country / towns
Many-to-many – e.g. student / course
One-to-one – e.g. example human / student
Relationships' Multiplicity
Relationship one-to-many (or many-to-one)
A single record in the first table has many corresponding records in the second table
Used very often
Id | Name | CountryId |
1 | Sofia | 1 |
2 | Plovdiv | 1 |
3 | Munich | 2 |
4 | Berlin | 2 |
5 | Moscow | 3 |
Id | Name |
1 | Bulgaria |
2 | Germany |
3 | Russia |
ContinentId |
... |
... |
... |
Relationships' Multiplicity
Relationship many-to-many
Records in the first table have many corresponding records in the second one and vice versa
Implemented through additional table
Id | Name |
1 | Pesho |
2 | Gosho |
3 | Penka |
Id | Name |
1 | MVC |
2 | Android |
3 | FE |
StudentId | CourseId |
1 | 1 |
1 | 2 |
2 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
2 | 3 |
The middle table is an example for a composed primary key
How do we represent trees and graphs?
The primary / foreign key relationships can point to one and the same table
Example: employees in a company have a manager, who is also an employee
Id | Folder | Parent? |
1 | Root | null |
2 | Documents | 1 |
3 | Pictures | 1 |
4 | Birthday Party | 3 |
Integrity Constraints
Integrity constraints ensure data integrity in the database tables. They enforce data rules which cannot be violated
Primary key constraint
Ensures that the primary key of a table has unique value for each table row
Unique key constraint
Ensures that all values in a certain column (or a group of columns) are unique
Foreign key constraint
Ensures that the value in given column is a key from another table
Indices speed up searching of values in a certain column or group of columns
Usually implemented as B-trees
Indices can be built-in the table (clustered) or stored externally (non-clustered)
Adding and deleting records in indexed tables is slower!
Indices should be used for big tables only (e.g. 50 000 rows)
Relational Database Management System
Microsoft SQL Server
MS SQL Server is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) from Microsoft
The main language supported in SQL Server is Transact SQL (T-SQL), an extension of SQL
Powerful, trustworthy, easy-to-use DB server
The most recent version is SQL Server 2016
Works only on Windows systems*
The 2017 version now runs on Linux as well
A free distribution exists
SQL Server 2016 Developer Edition
SQL Server Services
SQL Server – the database engine
Responsible for database management, data storage, queries, data manipulation, data integrity, transactions, locking, users, security
Executes SQL / T-SQL queries
SQL Server Agent – DB monitoring
Executes scheduled tasks
Monitors SQL Server
Sends notifications about problems
SQL Server Databases
SQL Server has system and user databases
System databases
Maintain internal information about MS SQL Server as a system
Don't play with them!
User databases
Databases created by users (developers)
Store user's schemas and data
Use the system databases internally
Connecting to SQL Server
Connecting to SQL Server requires:
Database Client
Use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
The name/IP of the server
Username / password (if required)
Types of authentication in SQL Server
Windows (by using a Windows user credentials)
Mixed (both Windows and SQL Server)
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is a powerful graphical DB management tool
Administrate databases
create, modify, backup / restore DB
Create and modify E/R diagrams
View/modify table data and other DB objects
Execute SQL queries
Free and easy to use tool
Works with all SQL Server versions
Moving a SQL Server Database
Necessary when we install a certain application in the customer environment
Ways of moving an SQL Server database:
By backup and restore
Create backup and restore it on the other server
By detaching and attaching the database files
The 2 servers must be the same versions!
By dumping the database as SQL script
Not supported in SSMS in earlier versions than 2016
Relational Data Modelling
Steps in Database Design
Identification of the entities
Identification of the columns in the tables
Defining a primary key for each entity table
Identification and modeling of relationships
Multiplicity of relationships
Defining other constraints
Filling test data in the tables
Identification of Entities
Entity tables represent objects from the real world
Most often they are nouns in the specification
Example: We need to develop a system that stores information about students, who are trained in various courses. The courses are held in different towns. When registering a new student the following information is entered: name, faculty number, photo and date.
Entities: Student, Course, Town
Identification of Columns
Columns in the tables are characteristics of the entities
They have name and type
Example students have:
Name (text)
Faculty number (number)
Photo (binary block)
Date of enlistment (date)
Choosing a Primary Key
Always define an additional column for the primary key
Don't use an existing column (for example SSN)
Preferable to be a GUID
Can be an integer
Must be declared as a primary key
Use identity to implement auto-increment
Put the primary key as a first column
Entities that have well-known ID, e.g. countries (BG, DE, US) and currencies (USD, EUR, BGN)
Identification of Relationships
Relationships are dependencies between the entities:
We need to develop a system that stores information about students, which are trained in various courses. The courses are held in different towns. When registering a new student the following information is entered: name, faculty number, photo and date.
Students are trained in courses – many-to-many relationship
Courses are held in towns – many-to-one (or many-to-many) relationship
Data Types in SQL Server
bit (1-bit), integer (32-bit), bigint (64-bit)
float, real, numeric(scale, precision)
money – for money (precise) operations
char(size) – fixed size string
varchar(size) – variable size string
nvarchar(size) – Unicode variable size string
text/ntext – text data block (unlimited size)
Data Types in SQL Server
Binary data
varbinary(size) – a sequence of bits
image – a binary block up to 1 GB
Date and time
datetime – date and time starting from 1.1.1753 to 31.12. 9999, a precision of 1/300 sec.
smalldatetime – date and time (1-minute precision)
Other types
timestamp – automatically generated number whenever a change is made to the data row
xml – data in XML format
Naming Conventions
Each word is capitalized (Pascal Case)
In English, plural
Examples: Users, PhotoAlbums, Countries
In English, singular
Each word is capitalized (Pascal Case)
Avoid reserved words (e.g. key, int, date)
Examples: FirstName, OrderDate, Price
Naming Conventions
Primary key
Use "Id" or name_of_the_table + "Id"
Example: in the Users table the PK column should
called Id or UserIdbe be
Foreign key
Use the name of the referenced table + "Id"
Example: in the Users table the foreign key column that references the Groups table should be named GroupId
Naming Conventions
Relationship names
In English, Pascal Case
"FK_" + table1 + "_" + table2
example: FK_Users_Groups
Index names
"IX_" + table + column
For example: IX_Users_UserName
Unique key constraints names
"UK_" + table + column
For instance: UK_Users_UserName
[Databases] DB Introduction
By telerikacademy
[Databases] DB Introduction
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