Linear data structures
Telerik Academy Alpha



 Table of contents









 Arrays vs List or why using List


  • Initialize array

  • Resize array
    • copy the items to a new array

  • Remove item
var matrix = new int[100];


  • Initialize list

  • Resize list

  • Remove item
var list = new List<int>();
var list = new List<int>();
var list = new List<int>();


  • What is "list"?
    • A data structure (container) that contains a sequence of elements
      • Can have variable size
      • Elements are arranged linearly, in sequence
    • Can be implemented in several ways
      • Statically (using array → fixed size)
      • Dynamically (linked implementation)
      • Using resizable array (the List<T> class)


 Static List

  • Implemented by an array
    • Provides direct access by index
    • Has fixed capacity
    • Insertion, deletion and resizing are slow operations


 The List<T> Class

  • Implements the abstract data structure list using an array
    • All elements are of the same type T
    • T can be any type, e.g. List<int>, List<string>, List<DateTime>
    • Size is dynamically increased as needed
  • Basic functionality:
    • Count - returns the number of elements
    • Add(T) - appends given element at the end


 List<T>: How it works

  • List<T> keeps a buffer memory, allocated in advance, to allow fast Add(T)
    • Most operations use the buffer memory and do not allocate new objects
    • Occasionally the capacity grows (doubles)



 Linked List

  • Dynamic (pointer-based) implementation
  • Different forms
    • Singly-linked and doubly-linked
    • Sorted and unsorted
  • Singly-linked list
    • Each item has 2 fields: value and next










 Doubly-Linked List

  • Each item has 3 fields: value, next and prev


 LinkedList<T> Class

  • Implements the abstract data structure list using a doubly-linked dynamic structure
    • All elements are of the same type T
    • T can be any type, e.g. LinkedList<int>, LinkedList<string>, etc.
    • Elements can be added at both sides
  • Basic LinkedList<T> functionality:
    • AddFirst(T), AddLast(T), AddBefore(T), AddAfter(T),
    • RemoveFirst(T), RemoveLast(T), Count


List Interfaces in .NET

 List Interfaces in .NET

  • IEnumerable, IEnumerable<T>
    • GetEnumerator() → Current, MoveNext()
  • ICollection, ICollection<T>
    • Inherits from IEnumerable<T>
    • Count, Add(…), Remove(…), Contains(…)
  • IList, IList<T>
    • Inherits from ICollection<T>
    • Item / indexer [], Insert(…), RemoveAt(…)


 List Interfaces in .NET


  1. LinkedList<T> ----------> IList or not
  2. Why using LinkedList instead of List
  3. Performance of insert - List or LinkedList
  4. Performance of search - List or LinkedList
  5. How would you insert an item after the first one



  1. Get prime numbers in an interval - [200, 300]

  2. How would you delete a node (except  the tail) in a singly linked list, given only access to that node.

    Supposed the linked list is 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 and you are given the third node with value 3, the linked list should become 1 -> 2 -> 4 after calling your function

  3. Reverse a LinkedList<int>:
    1->2->3->4         should become             4->3->2->1






public class ListNode
            public int val;
            public ListNode next;
            public ListNode(int x) { val = x; }


Undo & Redo operations








  • LIFO (Last In First Out) structure
  • Elements inserted (push) at "top"
  • Elements removed (pop) from "top"
  • Useful in many situations
    • E.g. the execution stack of the program
  • Can be implemented in several ways
    • Statically (using array)
    • Dynamically (linked implementation)
    • Using the Stack<T> class


 Static Stack

  • Static (array-based) implementation
    • Has limited (fixed) capacity
    • The current index (top) moves left / right with each pop / push


 Linked Stack

  • Dynamic (pointer-based) implementation
    • Each item has 2 fields: value and next
    • Special pointer keeps the top element


 Stack<T> Class

  • Implements the stack data structure using an array
    • Elements are from the same type T
    • T can be any type, e.g. Stack<int>
    • Size is dynamically increased as needed
  • Basic functionality:
    • Push(T) - inserts elements to the stack
    • Pop() - removes and returns the top element from the stack

 Matching Brackets - Example

  • We are given an arithmetical expression with brackets that can be nested
    • Goal: extract all sub-expressions in brackets
    • Example:
      • 1 + (2 - (2+3) * 4 / (3+1)) * 5
    • Result:
      • (2+3) | (3+1) | (2-(2+3) * 4 / (3+1))
  • Algorithm:
    • For each '(' push its index in a stack
    • For each ')' pop the corresponding start index

 Matching Brackets - Demo


Implement a simple printer








  • FIFO (First In First Out) structure
  • Elements inserted at the tail (Enqueue)
  • Elements removed from the head (Dequeue)
  • Useful in many situations
    • Print queues, message queues, etc.
  • Can be implemented in several ways
    • Statically (using array)
    • Dynamically (using pointers)
    • Using the Queue<T> class


 Static Queue

  • Static (array-based) implementation
    • Has limited (fixed) capacity
    • Implement as a "circular array"
    • Has head and tail indices, pointing to the head and the tail of the cyclic queue

 Linked Queue

  • Dynamic (pointer-based) implementation
    • Each item has 2 fields: value and next
    • Dynamically create and delete objects


 Queue<T> Class

  • Implements the queue data structure using a circular resizable array
    • Elements are from the same type T
    • T can be any type, e.g. Queue<int>
    • Size is dynamically increased as needed
  • Basic functionality:
    • Enqueue(T) - adds an element to the end of the queue
    • Dequeue() - removes and returns the element at the beginning of the queue



  1. Does LinkedList<T> have Add method?
  2. Pop() is a method of .... and returns item/ does not return anything
  3. Peek() is a method of ... and returns item/ does not return anything
  4. List<T> can/ can't be indexed
  5. Which structure has insert method?
  6. Difference between Enqueue() and Dequeue ()
  7. Complexity of Enqueue () and Dequeue ()
  8. Complexity of Pop() and Push()


[C# DSA] Linear Data Structures

By telerikacademy

[C# DSA] Linear Data Structures

  • 1,310