3 strategies to make your NativeScript apps feel all the feels!

Boost Your Apps' Emotional Intelligence

Jen Looper


Senior Developer Advocate

Who am I?


Let's talk about NativeScript


NativeScript is…

an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like TypeScript, Angular and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.


NativeScript is the best tool for cross-platform native app development 🎉



Rich, animated, “no compromise” native UI

(with shared UI code)

Search for

“Examples NativeScript”

in the iOS App Store or Google Play to try this app out for yourself.



Maximum code and skill reusability 


Ease of doing native-y things



NativeScript modules


NativeScript modules for UIs


Reuse existing native Android and iOS libraries


NativeScript Marketplace


Vibrant and growing community 💖



NativeScript community Slack channel


Supported by a major software company vested in your success 👨‍💼👩‍💼





My apps are stupid and boring


Turn your app into a personal assistant with one plugin

Try two machine learning APIs

Let's fix that!

Talk a little about what's possible next


Make your apps "smarter"

"smart" = more human


QuickNoms: a smart recipe app

Powered by Firebase & NativeScript

Submit your recipes on the web!



Mobile App Features:

Algolia search

Firebase Remote Config marquee


goal: empathetic apps


Your app as a personal assistant: use plugins!


Try a plugin like Text-To-Speech

speak(text: string){
        this.isSpeaking = true;
        let speakOptions: SpeakOptions = {
            text: text,
            speakRate: 0.5,
            finishedCallback: (() => {
                this.isSpeaking = false;

pass a string to the plugin to leverage native text-to-speech capability




Add some Machine Learning


ML is easy



What even is machine learning?


a way to give “computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.”

Machine Learning is:


"A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.” (Tom Mitchell, 1997).



How to make a machine learn*

Gather a lot of data (images, sounds)

Divide that data into a training set and a test set

Use an algorithm to train a model with the training set by pairing input with expected output

  • The training set is categorized (sorted by hand or by machine)
  • The test set is uncategorized

*"supervised learning"

Use the test set to test the accuracy of the training

rinse & repeat


Good uses of ML

StitchFix combines ML + human curation

Formulas to pick out clothes based on customer input

Formulas to pair a shopper with a stylist

Formulas to calculate distance of warehouse to customer

Algorithms to search and classify clothing trends to recommend



Scary uses of ML

install a ton of surveillance cameras

get really good at ml-powered facial recognition

match faces to IDs

monitor emotions...and manipulate them

push ads at people based on age/gender

invisibly track location



good and bad?

MIT students used an algorithm to optimize school bus routes

50 superfluous routes eliminated

$3-5 million saved

50 union bus drivers out of work


with great power

comes great responsibility!


DIY Machine Learning is hard

you need a lot of firepower & skillz


Use a third party with pretrained models


Specialists in image analysis

Took top 5 awards in 2013 ImageNet challenge

Innovative techniques in training models to analyze images

Offer useful pre-trained models like "Food" "Wedding" "NSFW"

Or, train your own model!


"Does this dish qualify as a QuickNom?"

Use Clarif.ai's pretrained Food model to analyze images of plates of food for inspiration

probably not!

might be!


Take a picture

takePhoto() {
        const options: camera.CameraOptions = {
            width: 300,
            height: 300,
            keepAspectRatio: true,
            saveToGallery: false

        .then((imageAsset: ImageAsset) => {
        }).catch(err => {


Send it to Clarif.ai via


    public queryClarifaiAPI(imageAsBase64):Promise<any>{
        return http.request({
            url: AuthService.clarifaiUrl,
            method: "POST",
            headers: {
                "Content-Type": "application/json",
                 "Authorization": "Key " + AuthService.clarifaiKey,
            content: JSON.stringify({
                "inputs": [{
                    "data": {
                        "image": {
                            "base64": imageAsBase64
      .then(function (response) {
          return response


Analyze returned tags

.then(res => {
      try {
          let result = res.content.toJSON();
          let tags = result.outputs[0].data.concepts.map( mc => mc.name + '|' + mc.value );
          let ingredients = [];
          tags.forEach(function(entry) {
              let prob = entry.split('|');
              prob = prob[1];
              let ingred = entry.split('|');
                 if(prob > 0.899){
            //there should be between four and eight discernable ingredients                     
            if (ingredients.length >= 4 && ingredients.length <= 8) {
               alert("Yes! This dish might qualify as a QuickNom! It contains "+ingredients)
            else {
               alert("Hmm. This recipe doesn't have the qualifications of a QuickNom. 
                    Try again!")

if between 4 & 8 ingredients are listed with over .899 certainty,

it's a QuickNom!

QuickNom dishes have a few easy-to-see, simple ingredients



"What can I make with an avocado?"

Use Google's Vision API to match images with recipes


Do it all with Google!

Leverage its consumption of millions of photos via Google Photos with Cloud Vision API

  • Label Detection
  • Explicit Content Detection
  • Logo Detection
  • Landmark Detection
  • Face Detection
  • Web Detection (search for similar)


takePhoto() {
        const options: camera.CameraOptions = {
            width: 300,
            height: 300,
            keepAspectRatio: true,
            saveToGallery: false

        .then((imageAsset: ImageAsset) => {
        }).catch(err => {

Take a picture


public queryGoogleVisionAPI(imageAsBase64: string):Promise<any>{
        return http.request({
            url: "https://vision.googleapis.com/v1/images:annotate?key="+AuthService.googleKey,
            method: "POST",
            headers: {
                "Content-Type": "application/json",
                "Content-Length": imageAsBase64.length,
            content: JSON.stringify({
                "requests": [{
                "image": {
                "content": imageAsBase64 
                "features" : [
      .then(function (response) {
          return response

Send it to Google

    .then(res => {
        let result = res.content.toJSON();
        this.ingredient = result.responses[0].labelAnnotations.map( mc => mc.description );                                                               
        this.ngZone.run(() => {

Grab the first label returned and send to Algolia search




Looking forward


DIY machine learning

made a little easier!


Machine learning on device

What if you don't want to make a bunch of REST API calls?

What if you need offline capability?

What if you need to reduce costs? (API calls can add up)

What if you need to train something really custom?


Machine learning on device

Just landed in iOS 11: Core ML

Train a model, let Core ML process it for your app on device


Machine learning on device

TensorFlow Mobile

Designed for low-end Androids, works for iOS and Android


Google Translate (realtime text recognition)



TensorFlow on iOS




Boost Your Apps' Emotional Intelligence with Machine Learning

By Telerik DevRel

Boost Your Apps' Emotional Intelligence with Machine Learning

For ATO, DevFests, etc

  • 2,414