Introduction to Vue.js

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Vue.js is...

A progressive framework for building user interfaces. The core library is focused on the view layer only, and is easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects. Vue is also perfectly capable of powering sophisticated Single-Page Applications when used in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries.

A "progressive framework"

A set of tools that can be added to your web and mobile projects gradually, or 'progressively'.


Use it for just a piece of your UI, or for a full-fledged code shared web and mobile app with router and more.


Focus on the View layer

In an "MVC" pattern of building an app, Vue focuses on the 'V' part. Build a UI using Vue components, and connect it to a backend layer.


Easy to integrate

Add Vue components to other libraries or existing projects


Great for SPAs


(not that kind of spa)

Useful to create Single Page Applications that perform like apps (example: Gmail)

Awesome tooling


Excellent Ecosystem

  • Useful core libraries like the Vue Router, Vuex for State Management
  • FOSS Libraries built for use with Vue like NativeScript-Vue
  • Fantastic Docs
  • ...and more!

...and a friendly, inclusive community!


Vue Vixens at your service

  • launched Feb 2018 at Vue Amsterdam Conference
  • strongly supported by Progress
  • working to become a private foundation nonprofit
  • members EVERYWHERE
  • providing free learning and networking opportunities for people who identify as women

Today's schedule

(mini skulk)

10 mins: Introduction to Vue.js

Ladies' choice!


Full mobile workshop - build TarotMoji

Mini Mobile - Chapter 6, build TinDogs

Mini Mobile - Build a PetFetching App

Nano - Build a basic list app with a plugin to share


Conclusion and skulk photo

What we're going to build

  • mini workshops 1 and 2
  • building a web app
  • building a mobile app 🐶❤️


  • bathrooms
  • your mentor
  • go at your own pace

Let's get started!





Mini Introduction to Vue.js

By Telerik DevRel

Mini Introduction to Vue.js

Vue Vixens special! for mini skulks

  • 1,825