Human vs. AI: Build a Mobile App with Vue.js,

ML Kit, and NativeScript


Jen Looper


Senior Developer Advocate

Founder and CEO: Vue Vixens 

Who am I?

"friend of bots"





What is Machine Learning?

Why is Machine Learning so important?

How can Machine Learning help make more interesting mobile apps?

How can I build an app using two new technologies: ML Kit and NativeScript-Vue?




What even is machine learning?


ML is easy



a way to give “computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.”

Machine Learning is:


"A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.” (Tom Mitchell, 1997).



How to make a machine learn*

Gather data

*"supervised learning"



training set



test set


fruits: [🍎,🍊]

veggies: [🥕,🌽]

no categories


🍎: "this is an apple!"

🍎: "right!"

🐕: "this is an apple!"

🐕: "uhh..."

80% accurate... try again!

How to make a machine learn*

*"unsupervised learning"


Gather data



no categories!



a self-teaching pattern-recognizing algorithm

🥨: "this is a pretzel!"

🥨: "right!"

🌭: "this is a pretzel!"

🌭: "uhh..."

80% accurate... try again!

How to make a machine learn*

*"reinforcement learning"

Gather data


no categories!



a 'curious' self-teaching pattern-recognizing algorithm*

🥨: "this is a pretzel!"

🥨: "right!"

🌭: "this is a chili dog!"

🌭: "actually, yeah!"

80% accurate... try again!

*give it harder and harder problems, reward its curiosity, like a child

Deep Learning

a subfield of machine learning

uses ML algorithms in layers to create an artificial neural network to make independent decisions

Tools for local machine learning


TensorFlow, Google's library for machine learning

Learn about TensorFlow by doing code labs


A JavaScript library for training and deploying ML models in the browser and on Node.js

🔖Bookmark TensorFlow for now!

ML in the wild


Good uses of ML

StitchFix combines ML + human curation

Runs input through algorithm

connects shopper to stylist




indicates style preferences

builds recommendations - factors in location, trends, season

curates and ships box

gives feedback:



👎returns items


Scary uses of ML

when you install a ton of surveillance cameras, you can...

get really good at facial recognition algorithms

match faces to IDs

monitor group emotions

track location




good and bad?

🚓 New York and Miami:  ML for crime forecasting


🚑 Northshore University Health System: ML to predict cardiac arrest using electronic medical records.

👩‍🎓Tulsa school systems: ML for early intervention to prevent students from dropping out of school or graduating late

with great power

comes great responsibility!


ML + Mobile = ❤️

mini collectors-of-data

packed with sensors

supercharged with mobile apps

App Developers have a new arsenal!

make your apps 'smarter' - more helpful

build a whole app around ML (SeeingAI, Shazam)

Makeup apps

built using neural networks

Facial skin beautification via sparse representation over learned layer dictionary

make your apps 'smarter' - more helpful

...or add little ML touches


Do-it-yourself Machine Learning is hard

you need a lot of firepower & skills


Try a third-party service!





Thank you Igor

did I leave the oven on?

Let's talk about NativeScript


NativeScript is…

an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like TypeScript, Angular, Vue, and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.


Rich, animated, “no compromise” native UI

(with shared UI code)


You know JavaScript? You know NativeScript! 


Why Vue for NativeScript?

📱Vue's 2.0 adoption of the virtual DOM enables native mobile rendering (Angular 2+ is similar)

💻 Vue offers a great way for web developers to embrace mobile platforms via NativeScript or Weex

☁️ Vue is lightweight so highly appropriate for mobile

🤝 NativeScript and Vue have great code-sharing potential!

my first NativeScript-Vue App


Making a Machine Learning - powered mobile app



DIY machine learning

made a little easier!


Machine learning on device with a plugin

💸What if you don't want to make a bunch of costly REST API calls?

🔌What if you need offline capability?

🎓What if you need to train something really custom?


Machine learning on device

TensorFlow Lite

Designed for low-end Androids, works for iOS and Android


New! Hot! ML Kit



Image labeling

Identify objects, locations, activities, animal species, products++

Text recognition (OCR)

Recognize and extract text from images

Face detection

Detect faces and facial landmarks

Barcode scanning

Scan and process barcodes

Landmark detection

Identify popular landmarks in an image

How does it work?


  • Leverages Firebase to access your app's data
  • Bundles together Google's ML technologies, including Google Cloud Vision API, TensorFlow Lite, and Android Neural Networks API in a single SDK

Putting ML Kit to the test with NativeScript-Vue


Picme: A game testing ML Kit accuracy and speed

The Ultimate Challenge

image collections by Karen Zack @teenybiscuit

The Ultimate Challenge

image collections by Karen Zack @teenybiscuit

How did I build it?

  • Used Vue-CLI template
  • Used 3 plugins
  • Vuex

scaffold an app!

use the Vue CLI with a template

vue init nativescript-vue/vue-cli-template picme

install some useful plugins

  • nativescript-swipe-layout
  • nativescript-card-view
  • nativescript-plugin-firebase
import firebase from 'nativescript-plugin-firebase';

  // Optionally pass in properties for db, auth & cloud messaging
  instance => {
    console.log("firebase.init done");
  error => {
    console.log(`firebase.init error: ${error}`);

Vue.prototype.$firebase = firebase;

Build the UI

use the Vue.js template block

<SwipeLayout row="2" col="0" v-for="item in count" :key="item" 
@swipeLeft="swipeCallback($event,item)" @swipeRight="swipeCallback($event,item)">                             
      <GridLayout rows="2*,2*" columns="*">

           <CardView row="0" elevation="20" margin="10" radius="10" 
                backgroundColor="white" shadowOpacity=".2" shadowRadius="5">
                <Image :src="'~/images/'+imageFolder+'/'+item+'.jpg'"/>        



Using the Firebase plugin for ML Kit

        this.response = ["thinking..."];
        let image = '/images/'+this.imageFolder+'/'+this.currImage+'.jpg';

          .then((imageSource) => {
              image: { imageSource: source },
              confidenceThreshold: 0.6
          .then((result) => {
            for (let i = 0; i < result.labels.length; ++i) {
                result.labels[i].text + ' : ' + Math.floor((result.labels[i].confidence) * 100) + '%'


query ML Kit

Test ML Kit's result against possible answers

export const Images = [
      type: "barnowl",
      ids: [1,4,5,7,10,12,13,15],
      acceptedAnswers: ["bird","owl"]
      type: "apple",
      ids: [2,3,6,8,9,11,14,16],
      acceptedAnswers: ["food","apple"]

Use Vuex to keep score

const state = {
  humanScore: 0,
  botScore: 0

const mutations = {
  clearScore (state){
    state.humanScore = 0;
    state.botScore = 0;
  setHumanScore (state) {
  setBotScore (state) {

const actions = {
  clearScore: ({commit}) => commit('clearScore'),    
  setHumanScore: ({commit}) => commit('setHumanScore'),
  setBotScore: ({commit}) => commit('setBotScore'),


The result

Can you beat the AI?

Let's try!

🤖 vs. 👩


Beat the Machine! ML Kit, NativeScript, and you!

By Telerik DevRel

Beat the Machine! ML Kit, NativeScript, and you!

ML Kit Talk

  • 4,670