
State of the Art

NativeScript is…

an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web technologies, like TypeScript, Angular, Vue, and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.

npm downloads of the "nativescript" package

Rich, animated, “no compromise” native UI

(with shared UI code)

Search for

“Examples NativeScript”

in the iOS App Store or Google Play to try this app out for yourself.

Architecture Choices


How does it work?

NativeScript modules

NativeScript modules for UIs

NativeScript Marketplace

NativeScript community Slack channel

Supported by a major software company vested in your success 👨‍💼👩‍💼

Enough blabber. Let's build something!

What's new?

  • Documentation revamp

  • Android P features support

  • Reliable debugging & LiveSync experience on Android

  • Enhanced debugging with Webpack

  • Flexible error handling & option to suppress application crashes in production

  • RadListView performance improvements

  • Enhanced Android typings generation

  • Vue.js SFC support in NativeScript Playground

August 2018 - 4.2 release

What's on the roadmap?

  • Bring Playground experience in the CLI - `tns preview` command in CLI to preview your app in the Playground app
  • Interactive `tns create`
  • Finished, polished code-sharing story with tutorial on

October 2018 - 5.0 release


Watch for super special secret surprises with NativeScript-Vue in September!

A freebie for you!  🎁

or ping me on Twitter @jenlooper

Useful links

Introducing NativeScript

By Telerik DevRel

Introducing NativeScript

General Introduction to NativeScript's State of the Art, updated 8/2018

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