Telerik DevRel
Developer Relations team @ Telerik!
Use keyboard
shortcuts to open DevTools:
I (Windows)
I (Mac)
From the elements panel, use a keyboard shortcut (win: Ctrl + F, mac: Cmd + F) to open up the search input UI. Enter any character you’d like to be found on the current HTML page.
From any panel use a keyboard shortcut (win: Ctrl + Shift + F, mac: Cmd + Opt + F) to open up the search panel. Enter any character you’d like to be found within the source files of the current HTML page. Note that clicking on one of the results (line number from source) will open the source in the source panel.
From the source panel, select and open a source file, then use a keyboard shortcut (win: Ctrl + F, mac: Cmd + F) to open up the search input UI. Enter any character you’d like to be found in the current source file (Note: to un-minify the source click on the {} icon).
From the source panel, use a keyboard shortcut (win: Ctrl + p, mac: Cmd + p) to bring up the open file UI. Enter any character you’d like to be found in a sources file name or path.
From the console panel, use a keyboard shortcut (win: Ctrl + F, mac: Cmd + F) to open up the search input UI. Enter any character you’d like to be found in the console.
From the network panel, use a keyboard shortcut (win: Ctrl + F, mac: Cmd + F) to open up the search input UI. Enter any character you’d like to be found in a network path/name.
From the source panel, select and open a .css source file, then use a keyboard shortcut (win: Ctrl + Shift + o, mac:Cmd + Shift + o) to open up a text filterable UI list of CSS selectors contained in the source file (Note: to un-minify the source click on the {} icon).
From the source panel, select and open a .js source file, then use a keyboard shortcut (win: Ctrl + Shift + o, mac: Cmd + Shift + o) to open up a text filterable UI list of JavaScript functions contained within the source file (Note: to un-minify the source click on the {} icon).
From the elements panel, click on the magnify icon. Then use the mouse to hover over elements on the page. Click the element you want to view and it will become selected in the elements panel for further investigation.
From the elements panel, use a keyboard shortcut win: Ctrl + F, mac: Cmd + F to open up the search input UI. Enter a CSS selector into the search input UI.
From the console panel, use either the
console commands to select element(s) from the DOM.
uses the querySelector DOM method, which returns a single matching DOM element, while
uses querySelectorAll, which returns an array of all matching elements. However, if your site uses jQuery,
will default to using jQuery rather than querySelector (see the documentation for more details).
From the elements panel, right click on an element node or text node (which will include all child nodes as well) and select, “Edit as HTML”. Make your edits, then click off the selected node for the changes to take effect. (Note: you can also drag and drop DOM nodes in the elements panel to change where the node is in the DOM tree. A node can also be removed by selecting the node hitting the delete key on the keyboard).
From the elements panel, right click on a elements attribute and select, “Add Attribute” or “Edit Attribute”. Make your edits using the inline input box then hit enter.
From the source panel, select and open a .css source file and begin editing. Changes immediately take effect if the CSS is valid.
From the elements panel, select an element node. To the right of the elements panel is a “styles” panel which can be used to add and edit all of the CSS that is applied and inherited by the selected element node.
The only JavaScript that you can update on the fly is JavaScript that will continue to run after the initial page load (i.e. a click handler callback function). From the source panel, select and open a .js source file and begin editing any JavaScript that can be invoked after the original page load. Save (win: Ctrl + S, mac: Cmd + S) after you edit.
By Telerik DevRel
For a long time, I fumbled my way through searching and finding routines involving frontend source code, using the Chrome Developer Tools (aka DevTools). When I finally managed to find what I was looking for, I would then stumble through the best way to make a quick change and track that change. I eventually realized my problem was that I never took the time to learn the DevTools fundamentals. I will relate the fundamentals of searching frontend source code, finding DOM elements, and editing everything, all in the browser, using the Elements and Sources DevTools panels, so that you don’t suffer like I did.