a Flexible, composable & Extensible
Thierry Delprat
Quick introduction
provide some context
provide some context
API design constraints & principles
explain the problem we want to solve
explain the problem we want to solve
Building Nuxeo API
REST + Automation + Composition
REST + Automation + Composition
Design consequences
- price of flexibility
Some Context
What we Do and What Problems We Try to Solve
we provide a Platform that developers can use to
build highly customized Content Applications
we provide components, and the tools to assemble them
everything we do is open source
various customers - various use cases
me: developer & CTO - joined the Nuxeo project 10+ years ago
Track game builds
Electronic Flight Bags
Central repository for Models
Food industry PLM
Nuxeo Platform
- Workflows, Conversions, Diff, Notifications, Activity ...
Why API is Key for us
Nuxeo Repository is a backend
Portals, Mobile Apps, ERP, CRM ...
Portals, Mobile Apps, ERP, CRM ...
- API is UI
- for the developers
Plugability Challenge
- In Nuxeo architecture everything is a plugin
- Nuxeo Server can provide a single service or 100's of services
Everything is configurable
- Logic and Data Structrures depends on configuration
API Challenge
"One API"
Multiple combinations
services, plugins
and Domain Models
Expose a Platform: not an application
developers using the platform
want to expose the API of their Application
Need to find a solution
One Platform "One API"
Design Principles
what we want to have
Be Efficient
- Avoid round trips
- Get all needed data in one call
Resolve some data on the server side
- Avoid fetching too much data
Be Flexible
Adapt to the server side configuration
Domain model definition
Domain model definition
- Adapt to client side requirements
- Provide data for the screen mapping
- Application can have different flavors
Keep it clean
- Work between transaction boundaries
do all the work in one call
do all the work in one call
- Ensure isolation
Other users should not see inconsistent data
Other users should not see inconsistent data
Maintain encapsulation
- Client should not make assertion on server implementation
Client consumes a service, it does not build the service.
Be Extensible
- Expose any meaningful business API
- Make API clean and application maintenance easy
- Make API clean and application maintenance easy
- Adapt API granularity to the target Applications
- one API behind each single button
We can not build the target Business API: users/devs will do it
Manage the meta-model
Choose what API is exposed
Ask for the data they need
Use custom API
(versioned software artifact)
Client driven
Server controlled
"open bar" seems too messy
"one-size-fits-all" does not work
Balance client/server roles
Blob Friendly
- Chunked & Out of band upload
- Cachable and Seekable download
Content-Type: multipart/mixed
Be sensible
- Do not lose our soul
fight to keep the dynamicity of the platform!
fight to keep the dynamicity of the platform!
No REST integrism
Useful is more important than Beautiful
Useful is more important than Beautiful
Dogfooding is key
if this is not good enough internally, this is not good
if this is not good enough internally, this is not good
Building API is part of the development cycle
adding http API should never be a task for later
adding http API should never be a task for later
Build something that works
Actually, just the chronology has been adjusted !
Exposing Resources
ExposING resources
Target use cases are not defined
Target Domain Model is unknown
Expose raw technical resources !
Expose Use Cases !?
Expose the Domain Model !?
Expose simple resources
GET /repo/{repoId}/path/{docPath} HTTP 1.1
GET /repo/{repoId}/id/{docId} HTTP 1.1
GET /user/{userName} HTTP 1.1
GET /group/{groupName} HTTP 1.1
GET /directory/{directoryName}/{entryId} HTTP 1.1
GET /workflowModel/{modelName} HTTP 1.1
GET /workflow/{workflowInstanceId} HTTP 1.1
GET /task/{taskId} HTTP 1.1
Users &
Tasks &
Expose raw resources as EndPoint with REST Bindings
Expose simple resources
Get a Document
GET /nuxeo/api/v1/path/movies/star-wars HTTP/1.1
"entity-type": "document",
"repository": "default",
"uid": "5b352650-e49e-48cf-a4e3-bf97b518e7bf",
"path": "/movies/star-wars",
"type": "MovieCollection",
"isCheckedOut": true,
"title": "Star Wars",
"facets": [
Server returns a minimal payload
Adaptative marshaling
Client need to control what data schemas are sent
Adaptative marshaling
- Control what data schemas are sent to the client
GET /nuxeo/api/v1/path/movies/star-wars HTTP/1.1
X-NXProperties dublincore, common
"entity-type": "document",
"repository": "default",
"uid": "5b352650-e49e-48cf-a4e3-bf97b518e7bf",
"path": "/movies/star-wars",
"type": "MovieCollection",
"isCheckedOut": true,
"title": "Star Wars",
"properties": {
"common:icon": "/icons/movieCollection.png",
"dc:description": "Star Wars collection",
"dc:creator": "tiry",
"dc:modified": "2015-10-22T02:12:59.07Z",
"dc:lastContributor": "tiry",
"dc:created": "2015-10-22T02:12:59.07Z",
"dc:title": "Star Wars",
"dc:contributors": [tiry, "system" ]
"facets": [
Fetching CONTEXTUAL data
- Client may require more data
- get Document children at the same time
- get the breadcrumb data
- get thumbnail or preview url
Client ask for the data
- using Headers
- using Query String parameters
Fetching CONTEXTUAL data
Marshaling registry is pluggable
custom Enrichers can be contributed
"How the data is fetched"
is a server side matter
Fetching CONTEXTUAL data
GET /nuxeo/api/v1/path/movies/star-wars HTTP/1.1
X-NXenrichers.document: thumbnail
"entity-type": "document",
"repository": "default",
"uid": "5b352650-e49e-48cf-a4e3-bf97b518e7bf",
"path": "/movies/star-wars",
"type": "MovieCollection",
"isCheckedOut": true,
"title": "Star Wars",
"url": "/nuxeo/nxthumb/default/5b352650-e49e-48cf-a4e3-bf97b518e7bf/thumb:thumbnail/Small_photo.jpg"
"facets": [
GET /nuxeo/api/v1/path/movies/star-wars?enrichers.document=thumbnail HTTP/1.1
Retrieve Linked Data
Resolve entity fields
- pointing to a label
- pointing to an other Document
- pointing to a User
- ...
Implicit JOIN
Retrieve Linked Data
Use client side parameter to know what to resolve
- header
QueryString parameter
Can be recursive
- client need to control that too!
Retrieve Linked Data
- Change the return type
- get only ACLs or History info about the Document
get the tasks associated to document
- Use your own business object
use business Adapters
- wrap document or documents
- provide custom marshaling
use business Adapters
GET /nuxeo/api/v1/path/movies/star-wars@acl HTTP/1.1
GET /nuxeo/api/v1/path/movies/star-wars@audit HTTP/1.1
GET /nuxeo/api/v1/path/movies/star-wars@bo/MyBusinessObject HTTP/1.1
entity-type: "MovieCollection"
id: "5b352650-e49e-48cf-a4e3-bf97b518e7bf",
"title": "Star Wars"
"episodes": 7
GET /nuxeo/api/v1/path/movies/star-wars@bo/MovieCollection HTTP/1.1
Sent as links
- Digest
Uploaded out-of-band
- chunking
- reference in JSON
Blob Upload
Upload EndPoint
- Reference Blobs from JSON Payload
{"entity-type": "document",
"properties": {
"file:content" : {
"upload-batch' : "0b0061d48f69b072",
"upload-fileId" : 0,
"type" : "blob"
POST /api/v1/upload/{batchId}/{fileIdx} HTTP 1.1
X-Upload-Chunk-Index 0
X-Upload-Chunk-Count 5
PUT /nuxeo/api/v1/path/movies/star-wars HTTP/1.1
Are We Happy with that ?
we can get all data in one call
we can get all data in one call
- we can configure the data we want
Extensibility: partial
- enrichers, resolvers & adapters are not always enough
- enrichers, resolvers & adapters are not always enough
Coverage: poor
- 100+ services and only 5 endpoints
- not everything is CRUD
Need a way to map 100+ Services
Without creating 100 endpoints!
Need an other paradigm !
Exposing service API over HTTP
Build a coarse gained API on top of service Java API
select simple
Shell like commands !
each service can contribute
each service can contribute
> commandA(p1,p2) | commandB(p3,p4)
Command synopsis
(Doc, Blob, User ...)
(Doc, Blob, User ...)
(User, Doc ...)
WebUI.AddErrorMessage WebUI.AddInfoMessage WebUI.AddMessage Document.AddPermission Document.AddToCollection DocumentMultivaluedProperty.addItem Task.ApplyDocumentMapping Blob.AttachOnDocument BlobHolder.AttachOnCurrentDocument AttachFiles Audit.QueryWithPageProvider Blob.ImportClipboard Blob.ImportWorklist Blob.RunConverter Document.BlockPermissionInheritance WorkflowModel.BulkRestartInstances Business.BusinessCreateOperation Business.BusinessFetchOperation Business.BusinessUpdateOperation Navigation.GoBack WorkflowInstance.Cancel Navigation.ChangeCurrentTab Document.CheckIn Document.CheckOut Update.NextStep.ConditionalFolder WebUI.ClearClipboard WebUI.ClearSelectedDocuments WebUI.ClearWorklist WorkflowTask.Complete Blob.ConcatenatePDFs Context.FetchDocument Context.FetchFile Blob.ToPDF Blob.Convert Document.Copy Document.Create FileManager.Import UserWorkspace.CreateDocumentFromBlob Seam.CreateDocumentInUI Picture.Create Document.CreateLiveProxy Document.AddRelation Collection.Create Workflow.CreateRoutingTask Task.Create Directory.CreateEntries Document.Delete Document.DeleteRelation Directory.DeleteEntries WebUI.DestroySeamContext Repository.GetDocument Document.Export WebUI.DownloadFile Blob.ExportToFS Document.FetchByProperty Blob.CreateFromURL FileManager.ImportInSeam FileManager.ImportWithMetaData FileManager.ImportWithMetaDataInSeam Document.Filter Document.FollowLifecycleTransition Comment.Moderate Document.GetBlobs Document.GetChild Document.GetChildren Document.GetBlob Document.GetBlobsByProperty User.GetUserWorkspace Document.GetLinkedDocuments Proxy.GetSourceDocument User.Get Document.GetParent Context.GetEmailsWithPermissionOnDoc Context.GetTaskNames Context.GetUsersGroupIdsWithPermissionOnDoc Document.GetVersions Directory.Projection Collection.Suggestion User.GetCollections Directory.Entries Directory.SuggestEntries Collection.GetDocumentsFromCollection Favorite.GetDocuments Document.Routing.GetGraph Picture.GetView Workflow.GetOpenTasks Tag.Suggestion Task.GetAssigned UserGroup.Suggestion Document.GetRendition Blob.PostToURL Image.Blob.Resize WebUI.InitSeamContext JsonStack.ToggleDisplay Actions.GET GetRepositories Document.Lock Log Audit.LogEvent Auth.LoginAs Auth.Logout Document.Move Document.PublishToSections NRD-AC-PR-ChooseParticipants-Output NRD-AC-PR-LockDocument NRD-AC-PR-UnlockDocument NRD-AC-PR-ValidateNode-Output NRD-AC-PR-force-validate NRD-AC-PR-storeTaskInfo WebUI.NavigateTo NuxeoDrive.SetActiveFactories NuxeoDrive.AddToLocallyEditedCollection NuxeoDrive.AttachBlob NuxeoDrive.CanMove NuxeoDrive.CreateFile NuxeoDrive.CreateFolder NuxeoDrive.CreateTestDocuments NuxeoDrive.Delete NuxeoDrive.FileSystemItemExists NuxeoDrive.GenerateConflictedItemName NuxeoDrive.GetRoots NuxeoDrive.GetChangeSummary NuxeoDrive.GetChildren NuxeoDrive.GetClientUpdateInfo NuxeoDrive.GetFileSystemItem NuxeoDrive.GetTopLevelFolder NuxeoDrive.GetTopLevelChildren NuxeoDrive.Move NuxeoDrive.SetSynchronization NuxeoDrive.Rename NuxeoDrive.SetVersioningOptions NuxeoDrive.SetupIntegrationTests NuxeoDrive.TearDownIntegrationTests NuxeoDrive.UpdateFile NuxeoDrive.WaitForElasticsearchCompletion NuxeoDrive.WaitForAsyncCompletion Repository.PageProvider Context.PopDocument Context.PopDocumentList Context.PopBlob Context.PopBlobList Document.PublishToSection Context.PullDocument Context.PullDocumentList Context.PullBlob Context.PullBlobList Context.PushDocument Context.PushDocumentList Context.PushBlob Context.PushBlobList WebUI.AddToClipboard WebUI.PushDocumentToSeamContext WebUI.AddToWorklist LocalConfiguration.PutSimpleConfigurationParameters LocalConfiguration.PutSimpleConfigurationParameter Repository.Query Audit.Query Repository.ResultSetPageProvider WebUI.RaiseSeamEvents Blob.ReadMetadata Context.SetMetadataFromBlob Directory.ReadEntries WebUI.Refresh WebUI.Refresh Document.RemoveACL Services.RemoveDocumentTags Document.RemoveEntryOfMultivaluedProperty Blob.RemoveFromDocument Document.RemovePermission Document.RemoveProperty Collection.RemoveFromCollection Render.Document Render.DocumentFeed TemplateProcessor.Render Document.ReplacePermission Document.Reload Picture.Resize Context.RestoreDocumentInput Context.RestoreDocumentsInput Context.RestoreBlobInput Context.RestoreBlobsInput Document.RestoreVersion Context.RestoreBlobInputFromScript Context.RestoreBlobsInputFromScript Context.RestoreDocumentInputFromScript Context.RestoreDocumentsInputFromScript Repository.ResultSetQuery Document.Routing.Resume.Step Workflow.ResumeNode Counters.GET RunOperation RunDocumentOperation Context.RunDocumentOperationInNewTx RunFileOperation RunOperationOnList RunOperationOnProvider RunOperationOnListInNewTx RunInputScript RunScript WebUI.RunOperationInSeam Document.Save Seam.SaveDocumentInUI Repository.SaveSession SeamActions.GET Document.Mail Event.Fire Document.AddACE Context.SetVar Context.SetInputAsVar LocalConfiguration.SetSimpleConfigurationParameterAsVar Document.Routing.SetRunningStepFromTask Document.SetBlob Document.SetBlobName WebUI.SetJSFOutcome Workflow.SetNodeVariable Document.Routing.Step.Done Document.Routing.BackToReady Document.Routing.EvaluateCondition Context.SetWorkflowVar WebUI.ShowCreateForm Document.CreateVersion Context.StartWorkflow Search.SuggestersLauncher Services.TagDocument Traces.Get Traces.ToggleRecording Document.SetMetadataFromBlob Seam.GetChangeableDocument Seam.FetchFromClipboard Seam.GetCurrentDocument Seam.GetCurrentDomain Seam.GetCurrentWorkspace Seam.FetchDocument Seam.GetSelectedDocuments Seam.GetDocumentsFromSelectionList Seam.FetchFromWorklist Document.Unlock Document.UnblockPermissionInheritance Services.UntagDocument Document.Update Document.SetProperty Document.Routing.UpdateCommentsInfoOnDocument Directory.UpdateEntries Workflow.UserTaskPageProvider VersionAndAttachFile VersionAndAttachFiles Blob.SetMetadataFromDocument Blob.SetMetadataFromContext Blob.CreateZip acceptComment addCurrentDocumentToWorklist blobToPDF cancelWorkflow conditionalTask decideNextStepAndSimpleValidate downloadFilesZip evaluateCondition followLifeCycleTransition followLifeCycleTransitionTask initInitiatorComment logInAudit nextAssignee notifyInitiatorEndOfWorkflow publishDocument publishTask reinitAssigneeComment rejectComment Workflow.RemoveRoutingTask sendTaskCreatedNotificationMail setDone setNextStep setTaskDone simpleChooseNextOption1AndDone simpleChooseNextOption2AndDone simpleRefuse simpleTask simpleUndo simpleValidate terminateWorkflow undoRunningTask updateCommentsOnDoc validateDocument voidChain xmlExportRendition zipTreeExportRendition
lot of contributed operations
Commands as REST resources
GET to retrieve definition
POST to execute
Get an Operation
GET /nuxeo/api/v1/automation/Document.PageProvider HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"description":"Perform a query ...",
"signature":[ "void", "documents" ],
{ "name":"page",
"required":false, },
... ]
Get an Operation
Run an Operation
POST /nuxeo/api/v1/automation/Document.PageProvider HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json+nxrequest
{ "params" :
{ "query" : "select * from Note",
"page" : 0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"entity-type": "documents",
"pageIndex": 0,
"pageSize": 2,
"pageCount": 2,
"entries": [
"entity-type": "document",
"repository": "default",
"uid": "3f76a415-ad73-4522-9450-d12af25b7fb4",
}, { ...}, ...
Resources & Automation
- Share the marshaling layer and extension
Enrichers, Resolvers are available too
Enrichers, Resolvers are available too
Compose Resources and Automation API
- Pipe Resources as input for Automation Operation
> cat /doc/path/somedoc | command(p3,p4)
Resources & Automation
POST /nuxeo/api/v1/path/somePath/@op/Blob.ToPDF HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/pdf
Are We Happy with that ?
all services and plugins can contribute
all services and plugins can contribute
good, but limited to Java Developers
good, but limited to Java Developers
- still no way to align Application Transactions
More Composition
assemble API blocks without having to code
build business API
Expose the API that matches client needs
Tailor the API to match application requirements
one API behind every action / button
one API behind every action / button
- Allow business analysts or UI developers to tailor the API
- define what API is exposed
- UI & Workflow needs
- define what API is exposed
Automation Chain
- Assemble operations in a chain
- Pipe Output / Input
- Give it a name
- Call and execute within a
single transaction
Server side assembly
One Context
Assembling Chains
It does work !
Business users & Front end developers leverage this
- to expose custom API for their UI
- to build custom logic inside their Workflows
- to add automatic processing (listeners)
Actually it works almost too well
- users do awfully complicated things
- chains calling chains calling chains ...
Have We Created a Monster ?
Use Nashorn to assemble operations
- Operations remain the building blocks
- JavaScript is the glue code to assemble them
Go Further than the chain Model
better control of the flow
Are We Happy with that ?
- Consistency
What about the trade-off ?
Dynamic API Comes with a price
Documentation is a challenge
maintain up to date and exhaustive
maintain up to date and exhaustive
Clients needs to deal with the dynamic aspect
- data mapping
discover APIs
- Debugging API calls can be challenging
Introspection is a requirement
Trace feature
Allow client to retrieve traces of nested executions (dev mode)
Allow client to retrieve traces of nested executions (dev mode)
Introspect the Command API
GET retrieve definition + doc
GET retrieve definition + doc
- Add REST API to introspect configuration resources
- Document types, Schemas
- (Widgets & Forms)
Provide a Playground to test
- connect to a remote server
- introspect server API and structures
Introspect Data Structures
Introspect Resources
Introspect Command API
Introspection In Action
Using introspection from Mule ESB DataSense
Clients libs
Dynamic API more complex to use !?
client libraries
Next challenges
UI introspection
Introspect UI components tree
gather needed data
gather needed data
Auto-configure Nuxeo Calls
schemas, enrichers, resolvers ...
schemas, enrichers, resolvers ...
Post back aggregated data
- reverse enrichers and resolvers ?
Some Links
Any Questions ?
Thank You !
API Talk
By Thierry Delprat
API Talk
QCon SF 2015
- 8,314