• Introduction to WriteOn

  • Copy of Giftstarter User Funnel

    "User Funnels are defined to reduce the amount of friction there may be when visitors try to complete whatever action it is they’re there to complete." View this slide deck to learn more.

  • Giftstarter User Funnels

    "User Funnels are defined to reduce the amount of friction there may be when visitors try to complete whatever action it is they’re there to complete." View this slide deck to learn more.

  • WriteOn Pitch Deck

  • BIH Design Review

  • Simflofy User Experience Foundation

    Thoughts & concepts articulating a new direction for Simflofy's User Experience in accordance to trends developed by the top-rated, user-focused platforms across the web. See last slide for usage details.

  • Be In Health Design Review

  • focal shift

  • Identity/Expression/Movement

    Be In Health Identity, Expression, Movement