
We're on a mission to craft the world's finest writing experience.

Writing Is A Growing Craft

There are plenty of writing tools for new and seasoned writers alike, including the reliable Remington SL3 typewriter.

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The Author Platform

Publishers want authors to have a solid "platform". Building this platform takes tremendous amounts of time, expertise and trial & error, especially for newer authors.


WriteOn simplifies this process.

The Solution

Write Once, Publish Everywhere

With WriteOn's extensive list of publishing providers, chances are that we've got you covered in 3 clicks.

Competitive Landscape

There is no "Platform for Authors" - a ready made solution that would allow any author to write and simultaneously build an audience. 

Blog Focused

Manuscript Focused




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Marketing Strategy

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Markdown For Authors

Yes, Markdown. Markdown is a plain text format for writing structured documents. Beyond easy publishing to online web platforms and beautiful HTML templates, WriteOn will also publish to ePub and Google Doc formats.

WriteOn Pitch Deck

By Joel Serino