Be In Health Design Review

We will cover:

  1. Phase 1 review
  2. Design process to date
  3. Deliverable terminology & overview
  4. Mood board
  5. Site flow / customer journey
  6. Landing page wireframes
  7. Next steps

Phase 1 Review

During phase 1, we have completed:

  1. Project on-boarding
  2. System scoping
  3. Team, roles and responsibilities alignment
  4. System security and access
  5. Expression design sessions
  6. Produced working deliverables

Design process to date

If you recall during Identity, we shared an image that provides an overview of our design process. During phase 1, we have focused on Creating assets and awareness.

Deliverable Terminology & Overview

  • What is a Mood Board? A mood board is a type of collage consisting of images, text, and samples of objects in a composition. 
  • Why is Songbird providing a Mood Board ? A Mood Board is used by Songbird to enable us to visually illustrate the style we're pursuing. In short, a Mood Board serves as a visual tool to quickly inform BIH of the overall "feel" of BIH's redesign. [NOTE: These and more Mood Board related Q&A are available in Basecamp by clicking here.
  • What is a User or System Interaction Map? This is a visual synopsis of the primary direction users do and will take on a system, application, or website. 
  • Why is there an old and a new interaction map? We provide as a reference from what has worked, what did not, and what we will test and adjust in the future. The foundation is the Growth Plan.
  • What are wireframes? The purpose of  wireframes are to open up discussion surrounding placement of elements on any given page. It, like the mood board, is created to give an idea of what the site can bring. More info is available in Basecamp by clicking here.

Mood Board - Current Site

mood board - new site

Customer Journey

Site FLow - Current & New

* Click on the diagram widget to open full screen

BIH Current Integration

Be In Health Design Review

By Joel Serino

Be In Health Design Review

  • 1,380