Unit testing

in JavaScript


What and how to test

Theory > What and how to test

What to test

Unit tests :

testing components, functions and/or classes in isolation.


Integration tests :

testing several parts in relation to each other.


End-to-end / Functional / Browser tests :

testing the application as a whole.

Theory > What and how to test

How to test

Unit tests :

e.g. Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Chai, Sinon, Karma, Qunit


Integration tests :

Same tools as unit tests.


End-to-end / Functional / Browser tests :

Selenium, Protractor

Theory > white box or black box

White box or Black box?

Is a testing method in which the internal structure, the actual code is known bij the tester


Used for mainly unit testing and partly by integration tests


Done by Developers


Programming knowledge and implementation knowledge needed

Is a testing method in which the internal structure, the actual code is NOT known bij the tester


Used for mainly end-to-end tests and integration tests


Done by (external) Testers


Programming knowledge and implementation knowledge is NOT needed

Theory > Unit tests

Unit tests

- Feedback for the developer while coding

- Focus on small units: e.g. class, method, function

- Tested in isolation, dependencies are mocked

- Should be a good bug report

- Should be simple

- Should be fast

Theory > Unit tests

Unit tests




describe('Unit to test', function() {
    it('should do something', function() {
      var dummyData = { foo: 'bar' };
      var expected = 'the result we want';
      var result = functionUnderTest(dummyData);

Theory > Unit tests

Unit tests




Mock :

Code that replaces the original dependency  e.g. http call, service, helper and returns 0, "", null, undefined



As mock but it returns actual code, like a function, object and/or methods


Spy :

Intercepts the call to the dependency and returns information about how often and with what properties it was called.


What and how to test

Example > What and how to test

What to test

Example > What and how to test

What to test

Setup with:


generator foundation webapp




Reading material



Robert Martin (Uncle Bob)

- Clean code

- Ideal Programmer

Unit testing in JavaScript

By tietyk

Unit testing in JavaScript

Theory and practical examples about unit testing in Javascript

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