
Essay (French: essai - "attempt") - an essay or article in which the author philosophises on moral, historical, political, artistic topics, takes a critical view of the present, and is characterised by subjective judgement, a free style and composition. Essay (artistic explanation) - an expression of one's dearest thoughts.


The author of an essay is called an essayist. A collection of essays from one period, country, author, etc., is called an essay. The form of an essay: a letter (Seneca's "write my lab report for me​"); a dialogue (M.T. Cicero's "Discourses on Concord and Friendship"); an article, an essay, a sketch, an essay in poetic form, simply an essay.

Features of an essay

Criteria Explanation

Content Analysis of moral, historical, political, artistic themes; philosophical, religious problems. Relevance is important.

Author's point of view Subjective assessment; critical view; draws on own experience, cultural and social; own feelings, emotions; irony; self-irony; implicit dialogue with the reader.

Composition Free composition (sometimes gradational), characterised by unexpected parallels of ideas, associations, repetition of the same motifs, images.

Type of text Samprotation

Narrative Told in first person; many metaphors and similes; paradoxes; aphorisms; symbols; irony; auto-irony; parallels; juxtapositions; rhetorical questions and exclamations; broad cultural context.

Functional style Publicist style; may combine elements of scientific and artistic style.

School essay

The narrow meaning of the term essay: polemical reasoning on a given topic or based on a given text and its accompanying assignment. Polemical reasoning is an argument about a question to which there is no single answer or which can be approached from a variety of perspectives. The requirements for a school essay are:

A fair number of people think "i need help with computer science homework" in this and help writing services online. reflective text; expressing and arguing your own opinion; reasoned analysis and criticism of the opinions of opponents (if any);

demonstration of critical thinking; a clear paragraph structure, logical relationships between paragraphs and between sentences within paragraphs; varied and correct implementation of the grammatical system of the Lithuanian language; observance of the norms of spelling and punctuation; a rich vocabulary; and an essay length of between 1.5 and 2 A4 pages.


By tiffanyhines