freeCodeCamp MTL Hackathon Information Session


  • What is this?
  • Participants
  • Schedule
  • Room Setup
  • Requirements

What is this?

  • JAM stack application (JavaScript, APIs and Markup)
  • 2 days
  • Global Hackathon, we just offer the location at Expedia for the Montreal group



67 Sign-ups

+ 5 in Waitlist


= 72 Total

(~12 teams ~30 solos)


Expected Actual Attendees: 65

Level: Beginner-Intermediate

  • CompSci University Students (java, C) or graduates

  • Completely new to programming/from a different field
  • Some experience with HTML/CSS/JavaScript


Day 1:

  • Tiffany
  • Alex
  • Maxim
  • Ayesha
  • Rameen (fcc)

Day 2:

  • Tiffany
  • Jimmy
  • Ayesha
  • Rameen (fcc)

Day 1


  • Tiffany
  • Alex
  • Maxim
  • Ayesha
  • Rameen (fcc)
  1. Set up (just me) - Setting up food/snacks, rooms, etc.
  2. Team Formation
  3. Explanation of zones, schedule, etc.
  4. Guiding people to zones
  5. Going around to help people (discord and in person)
  6. Making sure everyone gets out

Day 2


  • Tiffany
  • Jimmy
  • Ayesha
  • Rameen (fcc)
  1. Set up (just me) - Setting up food/snacks, rooms, etc.
  2. Reminder of presentation
  3. Guiding people to zones
  4. Going around to help people (discord and in person)
  5. Presentations, comments and small judging
  6. Making sure everyone gets out

Rooms Setup

Open Space (4th) - Individuals 

Moonsoon (4th) - 1 team

Boreal (4th) - 1 team

Savannah (1st) - 1 team

Mountains (1st) - 1 team

Artic (SS) | 2-3 teams

Mediterranian | 3-4 teams


3rd floor (tundra, etc.)


freeCodeCamp Hackathon

By Tiffany Le-Nguyen

freeCodeCamp Hackathon

  • 543