Building GitHub Apps with Probot

"I wish GitHub had this feature..."


Automatically create issues from todos in code


Block merging until all pull request dependencies have been merged

GitHub + Slack Integration

Post GitHub events to Slack (and many other features)

Linter Alex

Catch insensitive writing

Unfurl Links

Adds links previews to comments

What is Probot?

  • Framework for building GitHub Apps in Node.js
  • Granular permissions
  • Handles receiving and validating webhooks, authentication, local development set-up for you
  • Includes Octokit for easy API access
  • Supports GitHub's GraphQL API
  • Great documentation

What can Probot do?

  • Anything a user can do!
  • Commit new files
  • Create pull requests
  • Add comments
  • Move issues on project boards
  • etc.
module.exports = app => {
  app.on('issues.opened', async context => {
    // `context` extracts information from the event, which can be passed to
    // GitHub API calls. This will return:
    //   { owner: 'yourname', repo: 'yourrepo', number: 123, body: 'Hello World !}
    const params = context.issue({ body: 'Hello World!' })

    // Post a comment on the issue
    return context.github.issues.createComment(params)

Comment on new issues

Local development

npx create-probot-app my-first-app 
yarn create probot-app my-first-app

Develop in the browser



By Timon van Spronsen


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