LAs in


Roles & Expectations

What is a CS LA?

CS Learning Assistants (LAs) are undergraduate students who serve as tutors and facilitators in a variety of classroom settings that encourage active learning.

What does an LA do?

  • Interact with students and student work 

    • work with students in office hours, class, recitations, cohorts; offer feedback on/assessment of aspects of their work
  • Preparation & course development

    • meetings with professors & LA team to prep for class & discuss student progress; assignment, exercise, & guide development
  • Pedagogy training

    • this bootcamp; COMP 227 (for some); training provided by supervising professor

Expectations: LAs should...

  • abide by all University & course policies
  • strive to create a respectful, welcoming, & inclusive atmosphere in which all students may learn and thrive
  • attend classes & recitations as directed by supervising professor/lead LAs
  • set office hours, email hours, and/or Piazza hours as directed and hold them consistently and reliably
  • communicate consistently and reliably with supervising professor/s, TAs, and other LAs as needed

  • notify your supervising professor/TA/Lead LA in advance anytime you are unable to complete your assigned duties, hold your office hours, or attend class as expected

Please note that violations of any of the above may result in dismissal.

FERPA & Policy Review

Please see page 4 of the CS LA Manual

  • Complete online FERPA training
  • Review University policies
  • LA-specific policies
    • what to do in the rare event of an uncomfortable situation
    • relationships with students: equal & inclusive treatment; restrictions on assessment

Please note that failure to complete the above may result in dismissal.

Sign off on completion at

What Is

Active Learning?

Active Tutoring

Please see page 5 of the CS LA Manual

Active Listening

Please see page 8 of the CS LA Manual

Active Inclusion

Please see page 9 of the CS LA Manual

Active Communication

Please see page 10 of the CS LA Manual

227-LAs in CS

By tkjn

227-LAs in CS

  • 282