Internal BnB for our company
Yusuke Iwasaki
January 24, 2016

OUR Company has offices in Seattle and Tokyo. Employees from both offices frequently visit each other's office. The travel expenses have become high.
internal BNB inside our COmpany
- If desired, an employee may become a host to provide rooms for employees traveling from the other locations.
- A visiting employee can stay at the other location employee's home, if desired.
- OUR Company pays the hosts/guests a certain amount as allowances (e.g., $50 per night/guest for hosts, $20 per night for guests)
OUR Company
- Can save the traveling costs.
- Can be a backup in case hotels are in short supply, which can be expected in Tokyo in years to come.
- Practical occasions for language learners.
- Can earn a little extra money.
- GUESTS: can avoid travel headaches (traffic, meals, etc.)
- It is expected that the employees from both offices become more friendly and communicate more effectively even in business.
How does it work?
- All employees have accounts, which allow them to be guests as default.
- "Sign up" function is for the admin only.
- The employees can "list" themselves as hosts if they wish.
- The employees cannot stay at other employees' place from the same location, i.e., Tokyo employee can stay at Seattle employee's place but cannot stay at other Tokyo employee's place through the system, and vice versa.
the prototype
- Language/Framework: Ruby on Rails
- Gems: Devise, Scaffold, FullCalendar
- Development: Cloud9
- Source Management: GitHub
- Production: Heroku
- DB:
- SQLite 3 on Cloud9
- PostgreSQL on Heroku


Log in page

Home page
"Going Seattle?" for Tokyo users; "Going Tokyo?" for Seattle users.
User Profile
Host List
Seattle Host List for Tokyo users; Tokyo Host List for Seattle users.

Date Based Search
Available hosts show up.
Send a request to book.
Your Trip List
Once your request is accepted and confirmed, your trip will be listed.

Host Management Pages
Once you become a host, the pages to set available dates, to receive requests, and to see your reservation list will be available.

By TL Iwasaki
A shared-room service such as Airbnb, but for closed communities like corporations.
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