Introduction to Paket

A predictable replacement for NuGet

Timothy McLane

iModules Software


Packages fed from

S​imilar to Maven or NPM

Package manager for .NET

Isn't Nuget "good enough"?

For simple apps, NuGet does a sufficient job...

But when you have lots of nested dependencies...

An Example...

  • Charlie.NET depends on XRay.NET 2.0
  • Bravo.NET depends on XRay.NET 1.2
  • Alpha.NET depends on XRay.NET 1.1 (which means >= 1.1)

We need to install 3 different packages:

  1. Alpha.NET
  2. Bravo.NET
  3. Charlie.NET​

Each of these depend upon XRay.NET

XRay.NET has versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 available

Example from NuGet versioning Part 2: the core algorithm " by Dave Ebbo is licensed under CC BY 2.5

H​ow does NuGet resolve these dependencies?

The version resolution used by NuGet is to always pick the lowest version of a dependency that fits in the range. So let’s see what will happen in various scenarios:

  • If you just install Alpha.NET, you’ll get XRay.NET 1.1
  • If you just install Bravo.NET, you’ll get XRay.NET 1.2

  • If you just install Charlie.NET, you’ll get XRay.NET 2.0

  • If you first install Alpha, then Bravo then Charlie

  • You’ll initially get XRay.NET 1.1 when you install Alpha

  • XRay.NET will be updated to 1.2 when you install Bravo

  • XRay.NET will be updated to 2.0 when you install Charlie

Example from NuGet versioning Part 2: the core algorithm by Dave Ebbo is licensed under CC BY 2.5

So what's wrong with that?

  • What if XRay.NET changed their public API between 1.2 and 2.0?
  • What if Alpha.NET and Charlie.NET use APIs that aren't available across versions?


So why Paket?

  • Consistent dependency graph
  • Predictable dependency resolution
  • Framework-specific dependencies
  • References over HTTP
  • Automatic removal of unused refs

​...and some other nice-to-haves

C​onsistent Dependency Graph

  • When you add a package to a project with Paket, it creates a paket.lock file
  • This file specifies the project's dependencies, their versions, and any of their dependencies and versions
  • Saved to the repository, making package restoration consistent and predictable
  • Paket : NuGet :: Yarn : NPM

F​ramework-Specific Dependencies

  • Do you have a project running an older version of .NET that you want to upgrade? Paket's ready for that.
    • ​Package conditionals for framework version​
    • Out-of-the-box functionality

U​nused Reference Cleanup

P​aket keeps track of all our dependencies, including transitive dependencies, which means it knows what's being used—and what's not.


This means Paket can remove unused packages without breaking everything.

H​TTP and Git References

E​ver have a script or simple source file you copied from project to project?


Paket supports pulling those down from a local or remote location without copy pasta polluting your delicious code.

D​ependencies with Paket




Getting Started

1 Initialization Step

2 Executables
3 Configuration Files

4 Commands

I​nstallation Step

I​f you have Paket on your path

paket init
-OutFile .paket/paket.exe; ./.paket/paket.exe init


Paket Executables

  1. paket.bootstrapper.exe

    • Performs setup, including downloading paket.exe if necessary - "Magic mode"
  2. paket.exe

    • ​​Base executable​
    • Does the actual magic

Paket Files

  1. paket.dependencies

    • Declares ​the dependencies for the whole solution
  2. paket.references

    • ​​Declares the dependencies for a particular project
  3. paket.lock

    • ​​Declares the resolved packages (name, version, etc.) and their dependencies

Some examples...




// NuGet packages
nuget NUnit ~> 2.6.3
nuget FAKE ~> 3.4
nuget DotNetZip >= 1.9

// Files from GitHub repositories.
github forki/FsUnit FsUnit.fs

// Gist files.
gist Thorium/1972349 timestamp.fs

// HTTP resources.
http decrypt.fs




group Test



    Castle.Core (3.3.0)
    Castle.Core-log4net (3.3.0)
      Castle.Core (>= 3.3.0)
      log4net (1.2.10)
    Castle.LoggingFacility (3.3.0)
      Castle.Core (>= 3.3.0)
      Castle.Windsor (>= 3.3.0)
    Castle.Windsor (3.3.0)
      Castle.Core (>= 3.3.0)
    Castle.Windsor-log4net (3.3.0)
      Castle.Core-log4net (>= 3.3.0)
      Castle.LoggingFacility (>= 3.3.0)

Paket Commands

  1. add

    • Adds a new dependency to a solution
  2. remove

    • Removes a dependency from a solution
  3. install

    • Update .*proj and paket.lock files
    • Resolves the dependency graph for a solution
    • Only run after adding or removing a dependency
  4. restore

    • ​​Downloads all declared dependencies

Some examples...

paket add

paket add Newtonsoft.JSON
paket add Newtonsoft.JSON --project JSONParser

paket remove

paket remove Newtonsoft.Json
paket remove Newtonsoft.Json --project XMLParser

paket install

paket install

paket restore

paket restore

Sources and Documentation

Introduction to Paket

By tmclane

Introduction to Paket

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