Lecture 15: API Servers, Threads, Processes

  • I want to implement an API server that's architecturally in line with the way Google, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn architect their own API servers.
  • This example is inspired by a website called Lexical Word Finder.
    • Our implementation assumes we have a standard Unix executable called scrabbleword-finder. The source code for this executable—completely unaware it'll be used in a larger networked application—can be found right here.
    • scrabble-word-finder is implemented using only CS106B techniques—standard file I/O and procedural recursion with simple pruning.
    • Here are two abbreviated sample runs:
poohbear@myth61:$ ./scrabble-word-finder lexical
// many lines omitted for brevity
poohbear@myth61:$ ./scrabble-word-finder network
// many lines omitted for brevity

Lecture 15: API Servers, Threads, Processes

  • I want to implement an API service using HTTP to replicate what scrabble-wordfinder is capable of.
    • We'll expect the API call to come in the form of a URL, and we'll expect that URL to include the rack of letters.
    • Assuming our API server is running on myth54:13133, we expect http://myth54:13133/lexical and http://myth54:13133/network to generate the following payloads:
  time: 0.223399,
  cached: false,
  possibilities: [
    // several words omitted
  time: 0.223399,
  cached: false,
  possibilities: [
    // several words omitted

Lecture 15: API Servers, Threads, Processes

  • One might think to cannibalize the code within scrabble-word-finder.cc to build the core of scrabble-word-finder-server.cc.
  • Reimplementing from scratch is wasteful, time-consuming, and unnecessary. scrabble-word-finder already outputs the primary content we need for our payload. We're packaging the payload as JSON instead of plain text, but we can still tap scrabble-word-finder to generate the collection of formable words.
  • Can we implement a server that leverages existing functionality? Of course we can!
  • We can just leverage our subprocess_t type and subprocess function from Assignment 3.
struct subprocess_t {
    pid_t pid;
    int supplyfd;
    int ingestfd;

subprocess_t subprocess(char *argv[], 
        bool supplyChildInput, bool ingestChildOutput) throw (SubprocessException);

Lecture 15: API Servers, Threads, Processes

  • Here is the core of the main function implementing our server:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    unsigned short port = extractPort(argv[1]);
    int server = createServerSocket(port);
    cout << "Server listening on port " << port << "." << endl;
    ThreadPool pool(16);
    map<string, vector<string>> cache;
    mutex cacheLock;
    while (true) {
        struct sockaddr_in address;
        // used to surface IP address of client
        socklen_t size = sizeof(address); // also used to surface client IP address
        bzero(&address, size);
        int client = accept(server, (struct sockaddr *) &address, &size);
        char str[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
        cout << "Received a connection request from "
            << inet_ntop(AF_INET, &address.sin_addr, str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) << "." << endl;
        pool.schedule([client, &cache, &cacheLock] {
                publishScrabbleWords(client, cache, cacheLock);
    return 0;

Lecture 15: API Servers, Threads, Processes

  • The second and third arguments to accept are used to surface the IP address of the client.
  • Ignore the details around how I use address, size, and the inet_ntop function until Wednesday, when we'll talk more about them. Right now, it's a neat-to-see!
  • Each request is handled by a dedicated worker thread within a ThreadPool of size 16.
  • The thread routine called publishScrabbleWords will rely on our subprocess function to marshal plain text output of scrabble-word-finder into JSON and publish that JSON as the payload of the HTTP response.
  • The next several slides include the full implementation of publishScrabbleWords and some of its helper functions.
  • Most of the complexity comes around the fact that I've elected to maintain a cache of previously processed letter racks and that I absolutely need to maintain a set of open ingestfds so overlapping calls to subprocess—that is, parallel calls to subprocess—work properly and without race conditions.

Lecture 15: API Servers, Threads, Processes

  • Here is publishScrabbleWords:
static void publishScrabbleWords(int client, map<string, vector<string>>& cache, 
                                 mutex& cacheLock) {
    sockbuf sb(client);
    iosockstream ss(&sb);
    string letters = getLetters(ss);
    sort(letters.begin(), letters.end());
    struct timeval start;
    gettimeofday(&start, NULL); // start the clock
    auto found = cache.find(letters);
    cacheLock.unlock(); // release lock immediately, iterator won't be invalidated by competing find calls
    bool cached = found != cache.end();
    vector<string> formableWords;
    if (cached) {
        formableWords = found->second;
    } else {
        const char *command[] = {"./scrabble-word-finder", letters.c_str(), NULL};
        subprocess_t sp = subprocess(const_cast<char **>(command), false, true);
        pullFormableWords(formableWords, sp.ingestfd); // function exits
        waitpid(sp.pid, NULL, 0);
        lock_guard<mutex> lg(cacheLock);
        cache[letters] = formableWords;
    struct timeval end, duration;
    gettimeofday(&end, NULL); // stop the clock, server-computation of formableWords is complete
    timersub(&end, &start, &duration);
    double time = duration.tv_sec + duration.tv_usec/1000000.0;
    ostringstream payload;
    constructPayload(formableWords, cached, time, payload);
    sendResponse(ss, payload.str());

Lecture 15: API Servers, Threads, Processes

  • Here's the pullFormableWords and sendResponse helper functions.
static void pullFormableWords(vector<string>& formableWords) {
    stdio_filebuf<char> inbuf(ingestfd, ios::in);
    istream is(&inbuf);
    while (true) {
        string word;
        getline(is, word);
        if (is.fail()) break;

static void sendResponse(iosockstream& ss, const string& payload) {
    ss << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
    ss << "Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8\r\n";
    ss << "Content-Length: " << payload.size() << "\r\n";
    ss << "\r\n";
    ss << payload << flush;

Lecture 15: API Servers, Threads, Processes

  • Finally, here are the getLetters and the constructPayload helper functions. I omit the implementation of skipHeaders—you saw it with web-get—and constructJSONArray, which you're welcome to view right here.
static string getLetters(iosockstream& ss) {
    string method, path, protocol;
    ss >> method >> path >> protocol;
    string rest;
    getline(ss, rest);
    size_t pos = path.rfind("/");
    return pos == string::npos ? path : path.substr(pos + 1);
static void constructPayload(const vector<string>& formableWords, bool cached, 
                             double time, ostringstream& payload) {
    payload << "{" << endl;
    payload << " time: " << time << "," << endl;
    payload << " cached: " << boolalpha << cached << "," << endl;
    payload << " possibilities: " << constructJSONArray(formableWords, 2) << endl;
    payload << "}" << endl;
  • Our scrabble-word-finder-server provided a single API call that resembles the types of API calls afforded by Google, Twitter, or Facebook to access search, tweet, or friend-graph data.

Lecture 15: API Servers, Threads, Processes

By Chris Gregg

Lecture 15: API Servers, Threads, Processes

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