Coffee drinks review analysis
Which type of coffee is popular at home in USA?
Amazon reviews
- 1996 - 2014
- 4,300,000 reviews
- Home & Kitchen category
- Filtered by coffee related words
Number of reviews
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Which coffee was favored?
Sentiment analysis
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Word cloud
- Word_cloud
- Ranking and frequencies of words
- 20000 reviews talking about 'espresso'
French press
Pour over
What was reviewed about home espresso?
Topic modeling
- Gensim
- Vectorization (tf-idf)
- Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
Topic modeling
- Gensim
- Vectorization (tf-idf)
- Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
- Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA)
Clustering by topics
- K-means (scikit-learn)
LSI topics top terms:
Topic 0 : grinder, grind, fine, milk, burr, beans, french, grinds, machine, grinding,
Topic 1 : easy, great, love, makes, perfect, cup, steam, maker, coffee, machine,
Topic 2 : water, grinder, milk, cup, our, your, hot, coffee, machine, great,
Topic 3 : milk, coffee, frothing, steam, maker, grinder, pitcher, grind, pot, wand,
Topic 4 : size, milk, cups, tamper, perfect, easy, nice, fit, machine, glasses,
K-mean clustering top terms per cluster:
Cluster 0 words: very, maker, great, makes, works, easy, just, well, out, times,
Cluster 1 words: coffee, makes, maker, machine, cup, water, just, out, great, from,
Cluster 2 words: milk, machine, makes, coffee, just, works, great, up, very, times,
Cluster 3 words: machine, espresso, makes, coffee, works, great, water, very, years, out,
Cluster 4 words: cup, makes, coffee, very, great, maker, just, machine, little, only,
LDA topics
Popular home coffee drinks
- Espresso
- Caffe Latte
- Pour-over coffee
- French press
- Cappuccino
Topics of home espresso
- Grinder
- Easy to make
- Water and temperature
- Milk and frothing
- Size of machine
Coffee drink review analysis
By tohei
Coffee drink review analysis
- 1,010