
A React Framework with great DX and performance

NextJS = React Framework

  • React compatible
  • Necessities included
  • Performant by default
  • Great DX

Performance matters

  • CEOs don't request perfomance
  • Designers don't design performance
  • Customers don't report bad performance
  • = Developers responsibility

Web vitals


Client Side Rendering (CSR)

  • slow on initial render
  • has issues with crawling (social media)


Static Site Generation (SSG)

  • The fastest option
  • Very cheap
  • Data can get stale + long build times


Server Side Rendering (SSR)

  • Can be slow
  • More expensive


NextJS = React ++

  • Full React compatibility
  • SSG / SSR / ISR + API
  • Optimizations (Image, Font, Script, Code split)
  • Hot reload with state preservation
  • Routing + Built in CSS support


  • Faster webpages for the user
  • Less infrastructure cost
  • Better scalability
  • Quicker development time
  • One truly unified codebase

NextJS: All of the above++

  • Choose SSG or SSR on a per path basis
  • Next also allows Incremenetal static regeneration (ISR)
  • ISR can reduce build times.
  • ISR can update SSG'ed sites every X sec (on demand)


NextJS Analytics

  • NextJS comes with built in web vitals tracking
  • Deployment on Vercel gives provides automated tracking and graphing


Image component

  • Minimize payload
  • Reduce layout shift
  • Do not load outside view images
  • Blurred placeholder
  • Lazy loading
  • Selectable image compression

CSS support

  • Global or Modules (S)CSS
  • (React style param)
  • Performant themeing with next-themes (3rd party lib)

i18n routing support

  • Automatic browser detection
  • Serving language based on suburl or domain

Preview mode

NextJS Preview mode allows us to preview pages with new data, inside Sanity (and others)

Authentication in Next

  • yarn add next-auth
  • JWT and Session support
  • 50+ providers
  • Customizable JWT/Session content
  • Securely stored

Vercel deployment

  • Github integration
  • Preview deployments
  • Serverless backend


By Tomas Fagerbekk