Planning Your Mentorship

Topics to cover

  • Why do we need to plan?

  • Developing the mentoring plan

  • Executing your plan

  • Round table discussion

  • Wrap-up

1. Why do We

Need to Plan?

When there is no plan...

Having a plan helps us

  • To understand the scope

  • To focus on the essential things

  • To keep coherence

  • To measure the progress

  • To be efficient

  • To maintain the mentorship process

2. Developing

the Mentoring Plan

1. Knowing your Mentee

  • Where are we?

    • His technical background

    • His experience

  • Where do we want to be?

    • His expectations

    • The skill set demand

    • Specific company medium 

2. Setting Real Goals (1)

  • React
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Angular
  • Node
  • ...
  • React
    • JSX
    • Virtual DOM
    • Specs, Lifecycle & State
    • React with Redux
  • CSS
    • Selectors
    • Cascading & inheritance
    • Rules
  • HTML
    • Elements
  • ...

Abstract goals

Specific goals

2. Setting Real Goals (2)

  1. What's HTML?
  2. HTML elements
  3. HTML tags & attributes
  4. HTML comments & doctype
  5. What's CSS?
  6. CSS selectors
  7. CSS cascading & inheritance
  8. CSS rules
  9. What's JavaScript?

10. ....

15. What's React?

16. ...

Putting some order in the goal list...

3. Creating Milestones

Day 0

3 Months





2 weeks

1 week

5 weeks

3 weeks

Adding time...

3. Executing

Your Plan

Few tips to follow

  • Your plan isn't immutable, don't be too strict about it

  • Remember that you might need to adjust the plan on the way

  • Try to measure. Define KPI's to understand the progress

4. Round Table


The Plant Plan

What was your plant plan?

5. Wrap-up

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.

Benjamin Franklin

Thank You!

Slack: @tomas (in Wix team)

Planning Your Mentorship

By Tomas Miliauskas

Planning Your Mentorship

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