Ethereum Transactions
Towards Metropolis
Tomasz Drwiega
Parity Technologies
Where do the transactions come from?
Transactions propagation
Node1 sends TX1
Node2 relays it
Transactions propagation
Node1 sends TX1
Miner includes it in a block.
Node2 relays it
Transactions propagation
Node1 sends TX1
Node2 DECIDES to relay it
Miner DECIDES to include it in a block.
- What does the transaction look like?
- How the node decides what transactions to propagate?
- How the miner decides what transactions to mine?
- What are the changes in Metropolis?
What does the transaction need?
Ethereum Transaction
Not a part of the transaction, recovered from the signature (v, r, s) -
Optional, not needed for contract deployment. -
Currently yes, but not in future.
Ethereum Transaction
- Sender?
Not a part of the transaction, recovered from the signature (v, r, s) - Recipient?
Optional, not needed for contract deployment. - Value?
Currently yes, but not in future. -
Gas Price?
Gas (Limit)?
Ethereum Transaction
- Sender?
Not a part of the transaction, recovered from the signature (v, r, s) - Recipient?
Optional, not needed for contract deployment. - Value?
Currently yes, but not in future. -
Gas Price?
Currently yes. -
Gas (Limit)?
Yes! How much gas the transaction can use. Gas * GPrice = Fee.
Ethereum Transaction
- Sender?
Not a part of the transaction, recovered from the signature (v, r, s) - Recipient?
Optional, not needed for contract deployment. - Value?
Currently yes, but not in future. - Gas Price?
Currently yes. - Gas (Limit)?
Yes! How much gas the transaction can use. Gas * GPrice = Fee. -
Yes! Bytes to be read by contract, usually ETHABI encoded.
Ethereum Transaction
- Sender?
Not a part of the transaction, recovered from the signature (v, r, s) - Recipient?
Optional, not needed for contract deployment. - Value?
Currently yes, but not in future. - Gas Price?
Currently yes. -
Gas (Limit)?
Yes! How much gas the transaction can use. Gas * GPrice = Fee. - Data!
Yes! Bytes to be read by contract, usually ETHABI encoded. -
Currently yes. Why do we need it?
Ethereum Transaction
Defines the order of the transactions
Lower nonces need to be executed first. -
Prevents replaying the same transaction
Each nonce is valid only once. -
Nonce = number of transactions sent before
Nonce of any address is part of the State.
Transaction Nonce
Ethereum Transaction
nonce : u256
gas_price : u256
gas : u256
to | null : h160 (address)
value : u256
data : bytes
v : u64
r : u256
s : u256
Transactions in the network are encoded using RLP in this exact order (9 fields)
How do we decide what to propagate and mine?
Miner Strategy
nonce : u256
gas_price : u256
gas : u256
to | null : h160 (address)
value : u256
data : bytes
v : u64
r : u256
s : u256
A rational miner will try to maximise her's earnings.
So let's just order by fee: gas_price * gas
Note: Miner strategy is not part of the protocol!
Miner Strategy
But processing transaction takes time and it increases a chance to mine an uncle.
There is an equilibrium:
Miner Strategy
Do you remember about nonce?
We must include transactions in order, despite the fee!
// We're ordering by "nonce height" first
Tx1(from=1, fee=3, nonce=0)
Tx3(from=2, fee=1, nonce=100)
Tx4(from=2, fee=2, nonce=101)
Tx2(from=1, fee=4, nonce=1)
Miner Strategy
The transactions may be received out of order.
What to do if we get a transaction with nonce=N+1 before none=N?
We cannot ignore them, cause they might never be propagated again.
Miner Strategy
We maintain two separate queues:
"current" and "future"
// Current
Tx1(from=1, fee=3, nonce=0)
Tx3(from=2, fee=1, nonce=100)
Tx4(from=2, fee=2, nonce=101)
Tx2(from=1, fee=4, nonce=1)
// Future
// awaiting tx with nonce=2
Tx5(from=1, fee=3, nonce=3)
Of course both queues should be limited.
(especially future queue)
What if one sets the gas price to 0?
Shall we have a gas price market?
Whitelisting contracts the users may invoke
(e.g. faucet contract).
Miner Strategy
We also need to validate correctness of the transaction.
- Check if the signature is correct.
- Check network ID (replay protection)
- Check if declared gas does not exceed current block gas limit.
- Check if the gas price is greater than minimal gas price (or contract is whitelisted).
Miner Strategy
What if the transaction uses more gas than declared?
- The transaction goes Out Of Gas (OOG).
- But it's still included in the blockchain, otherwise you could DDoS miners.
But we do verify minimal gas requirements:
21k + costOf(data)
Miner Strategy
We also need to check if user has enough balance.
// A has 5 ETH
Tx1(from=1, to=B, value=5)
Tx2(from=1, to=C, value=5)
But you cannot tell if the first one doesn't increase the balance without executing it!
Miner Strategy
What if someones sends two transactions with the same nonce?
// Fee is the same. Which one should we choose?
Tx1(from=A, nonce=0, gasPrice=1, gas=100) fee = 100
Tx2(from=A, nonce=0, gasPrice=2, gas=50) fee = 100
Miner Strategy
So how to "cancel" the transaction?
The transaction might become stalled and block subsequent transactions.
- Gas might exceed current block gas limit.
- Gas price might be to little.
Enough to propagate but not accepted by the miner.
Miner Strategy
So how to "cancel" the transaction?
You can *try* to replace transaction with no-op transactions and increase gas price.
from: A,
to: A,
value: 0,
gas: 21k,
gasPrice: ?,
--relay-set (cheap, strict)
Next stage of the Etherum project.
- Frontier, July 2015 ✓
- Homestead, March 2016 ✓
- Metropolis, Q2 2017
- Serenity
to | null
to | null
Account Contract
# Get signature from tx data
sig_v = ~calldataload(0)
sig_r = ~calldataload(32)
sig_s = ~calldataload(64)
# Get tx arguments
tx_nonce = ~calldataload(96)
tx_to = ~calldataload(128)
tx_value = ~calldataload(160)
tx_gasprice = ~calldataload(192)
tx_data = string(~calldatasize() - 224)
~calldataload(tx_data, 224, ~calldatasize())
# Get signing hash
signing_data = string(~calldatasize() - 64)
~mstore(signing_data, tx.startgas)
~calldataload(signing_data + 32, 96, ~calldatasize() - 96)
signing_hash = sha3(signing_data:str)
# Perform usual checks
prev_nonce = ~sload(-1)
assert tx_nonce == prev_nonce + 1
assert self.balance >= tx_value + tx_gasprice * tx.startgas
assert ~ecrecover(signing_hash, sig_v, sig_r, sig_s) == <pubkey hash here>
# Update nonce
~sstore(-1, prev_nonce + 1)
# Pay for gas
~send(MINER_CONTRACT, tx_gasprice * tx.startgas)
# Make the main call
~call(msg.gas - 50000, tx_to, tx_value, tx_data, len(tx_data), 0, 0)
# Get remaining gas payments back
~call(20000, MINER_CONTRACT, 0, [msg.gas], 32, 0, 0)
- Account can be abstracted to contract
Less stuff in the protocol - Contracts can pay for the execution
New users don't need to get initial ETH - Any replay protection (nonce)
Implemented in the contract - In-contract signature verification
Enables other signature schemes to be used instead of ECDSA - ETH becomes "just a token"
In principle miners could accept fee in any token
Current miner strategy doesn't work at all!
- Pre-defined list of contracts (initially)
- On-chain whitelist?
- + Kind of "execute" the contract:
- Verify signature
- Verify gasPrice
- Verify nonce
- Verify balance
We can also try to execute the transaction with some reasonable gas limit and check if you will get payed.
Problem: What if the state is reverted after that?
- Metropolis changes: - EIP86/208 (Abstraction) - EIP232 (Transaction format) - Dan's Intro to How Ethereum Works - Mr Buterin's transaction inclusion analysis - Why we shouldn't abstract economy by Mr Zamfir
Thank You!
Tomasz Drwiega
Ethereum Transactions
By Tomasz Drwięga
Ethereum Transactions
- 1,024