milestone, critical path & agile methods


Milestones are key points in the Project Development process that ensure the project is kept on track, milestones can have tasks such as features or bug fixes attached to them, these can be known as Deliverables. A milestone is "met" when all tasks and issues attached to it are completed. 

Example milestone usage

critical path analysis

Critical path analysis is a tool that is used to plan the order or path of tasks that need to be completed within the project. Either a table or a diagram can be produced which shows the order the tasks must be completed in, their starting requirements and the time they take to complete.

Example critical path diagram

Agile methods

"Better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others to do it"

individuals and interactions,

over processes and tools.

Working software,

over comprehensive documentation.

Customer collaboration

over contract negotiation. 

Responding to change,

over following a plan.


"PRINCE2 is a de facto standard developed and used extensively by the UK government and is widely recognised and used in the private sector, both in the UK and internationally. It embodies established and proven best practices in project management" 

milestones critical path agile methods

By tomlane

milestones critical path agile methods

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