Intro to Aurelia

Forward thinking Javascript client framework

$ whoami

  • Software Dev @ RedEye
  • PHP + JS
  • Twitter @tomnewbyau
  • PiggyBike - cycle to work, save money


  • What is Aurelia (info/background)
  • Getting started (examples & live coding)
  • Extra resources

What is Aurelia

  • Forward thinking Javascript client framework
  • Big on future standards (ES7, W3C Templating Spec)
  • Minimise framework specific code
  • Convention over configuration

What is Aurelia

  • Focused on developer experience
  • Framework built from components
  • Many similarities to WPF, Silverlight etc.

Who created it

  • Rob Eisenberg & team of Durandal Inc.
  • Rob worked on UI frameworks across web, WPF, Silverlight, worked on Angular 2.0 until split paths
  • Aurelia is the product, developers are the customer
  • 10-20 developers around the world who also build apps in Aurelia for their day jobs
  • Aurelia consultants for hire
  • More info (Github)

History & Future

  • Introduced January 2015
  • Beta November 2015
  • v1 in the next few months, hopefully

Getting Started

  • es2016 + (Gulp OR Webpack)
  • Typescript + (Gulp OR Webpack)
  • ASP.NET Kit with ES2016 OR Typescript

Choose your own adventure:

Live Coding


Intro to Aurelia

By tomnewbyau

Intro to Aurelia

  • 680