What's new in PHP Q1 2021

Now, by Tom Newby!

PHP 8.0 released

  • https://php.watch has an excellent recap
  • Recap major features
  • More global namespace string methods
  • Type system improvements
  • Throw in expressions


https://php.watch/versions/8.0 is a must read

PHP 8.1 RFCs

Enums 🕺 ✅

php.watch has a great writeup

PHP 8.1 RFCs

Array unpacking with array<string, mixed> 🕺 ✅

again, php.watch has a great writeup

Array unpacking overwrites duplicate string keys, while the + operator ignores duplicate string keys.

PHP 8.1 RFCs

array_is_list(array $input)🕺 ✅

guess who's got a good write up?

PHP 8.1 RFCs

\PHP\iterable\any() and all()

Failed required vote count in RFCs

Symfony 5.2

  • Support for PHP8 attributes
  • New rate limiter component
  • Symfony Panther now 1.0


  • Moving to a yearly release cycle
  • so, Laravel 9 in September
  • Laracon Online on March 17th 2021
  • artisan test supports --parallel >v8.25
  • Jetstream v2

Also we're hiring

Hiring remote mid/senior PHP + TypeScript

LinkedIn: Tom Newby


What's new in PHP Q1 2021

By tomnewbyau

What's new in PHP Q1 2021

  • 394