
made with

Apps Script

and a little Python

Tom Smith

Citizen Programming

Solving your own problems

Mess of unmaintainable spreadsheets?

Tricky Problems

Dangerous systems - that grow beyond their abilities

The creator leaves

These examples were created with colleagues who contacted the Teaching & Learning Team via itsupport@york.ac.uk


Submit anonymously


Made with: Rachael Barson

English Office Hour

The English Dept's "Office Hour" system, lets students book 10-minute slots, generating calendar invites with Google Meets.


It handled 2,195 office hour slot bookings this term.

Made with: Ann Chantry

Managing Collaborations

Made with: Tom Alloway

Google Site To Google Document

Made with: Steven Newman

Made with: Gary Brannan


Made with: David Brown

Ideas Board


Made with: Sarah Griffin

The Self Assessment Tool

Made with: Victoria Jack

Stock Control

Made with: Hatt Heilds

Made with: Victoria Jack


Made with: Brian Cummings

Python and Flair and Google Colab

A powerful NLP library. Flair allows you to apply our state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) models to your text, such as named entity recognition (NER), part-of-speech tagging (PoS), special support for biomedical data, sense disambiguation and classification, with support for a rapidly growing number of languages.

Occurrances of the word "monster" throughout Frankenstein.

The characters mentioned throught Frankenstein

Data Mining For Beginners Google Colab Notebook that made the data here.

Made with: Kenny Whyte

Lots of fun APIs, example Apps Script code.

Weather, Stop & Search Data, Flags, Netflix Viewing Data, IMDB etc

Innovations made with Apps Script

By Tom Smith

Innovations made with Apps Script

Tom Smith, University of York

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